View Full Version : *R.I.P.Pink Passage!*

02-09-07, 12:37
OK....here it is at long last......I have an anouncement to make.......

My horrendous Pink Barbie Passage is NO MORE!! (fanfare)

At great personal cost (aching back, shoulders, arms and well, everything - cuz I did it myself!) I can now give you....ta dah....

My Magnificent Magnolia Passage!!

http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t299/wrinklytech/lovely.jpg http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t299/wrinklytech/firstcoat.jpg first coat....

second coat...http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t299/wrinklytech/secondcoat.jpg.....tah dah!! http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t299/wrinklytech/tahdah.jpg

Mind you - it was touch and go at first.......you try getting one coat of Magnolia coverage on top of Barbie Pink !!! :wacko:

So.....THREE coats later and GG's in Magnolia heaven!

Took me two full days to do the downstairs and upstairs but it was worth every ache, every pain .....and even the Asbo I'll probably be served with along with the petition from the neighbours for my removal from the street! This would be due to the fact that I had Snow Patrol and Keane blasting at full volume for 48hours non-stop...well, I like music while I work!:madness:

Unfortunately my ecstatic joy was to be short-lived......my middle daughter is getting married next Thursday and I have also made and iced the wedding cake...
which up until yesterday looked a bit like the Leaning Tower of Pisa because she wanted all the tiers stuck together (all the fashion apparently!) Anyhoo, with a bit of help from some rolled up ready-roll icing and some dressmaking pins I managed to rectify this.

Sadly, however, I was unable to rectify the the holiday company failing to inform the bride and groom that the honeymoon hotel is closed for refurbishment until Nov !!........or the other minor problem that has manifested itself in the GG household.....:huh:

I have overnight guests arrivng for the wedding next week and thought I'd like to have my 1970's Pampas bathroom suite replaced by a nice white porcelain toilet and wash basin.....easy enough I hear you say.....aaah, but this is GG's house - where the plumbing system is more like spaghetti junction than spaghetti junction !!

day 1: GG requests dahling hubby to purchase nice white toilet and basin from Aldi - cuz they were on offer and family Friend offers to fit them in time for the arrival of aforementioned wedding guests:yesyes:

day 2: Old basin is removed from bathroom, new basin is fitted - air bubble found in system (it had been there since the old suite was fitted but I didn't like to say!) Lots of huffing and puffing by friend and dahling hubby......and they were doing something really weird with a length of rubber tubing.......?':shrug:

day 3: Old toilet is removed.......new one put in place....and......it doesn't fit !!! GG doesn't stress too much cuz she's been living in the House That Jack Built for the last 31 years!

day 3.5: GG has lightbulb moment! :emot-bulbman:Why not put the downstairs toilet upstairs and the new upstairs toilet downstairs?? You see new toilet is one of those 'close-coupled' thingummybobs and the old one is a 'low-level' cistern.( Are you amazed at my technical knowhow ?) Friend and dahling hubby look blankly from one to the other and then at GG - then nod their heads and mumble something making it sound like they had the idea in the first place! GG doesn't mind at all - as every woman will know you get more out of 'em if you let 'em have the glory even if they didn't have the notion!! Anyway, GG wants the ruddy thing sorted before imminent arrival of guests!

day 4: Old toilet is being removed by dahling hubby when suddenly the air is a vibrant shade of blue! Low-level plastic cistern (from downstairs toilet - are you keeping up with all this??) is cracking as he removes it!! No problem says GG - we'll just go and buy a new one.....a nice porcelain one......hmm. Three hours and two heated discussions with dahlling hubby (well, more threatened divorce actually!) we are the proud owners of a Twyfords low-level porcelain cistern ! :)
Family friend goes to fit it that night and........it's out of alignment with that tubey thing that pokes out of the wall and into the cistern!! It is at this point that GG hits the Rescue Remedy ...big time!:huh:

day 5: GG and dahling hubby go to purchase what looks like a big white plastic periscope, dog-leg thingies, more copper piping and some bendy hose stuff, .........and a nice bottle of Australian Shiraz (well, that was on offer too!).
Friend works some magic with the big white periscope, the bendy tubing and the dog-legs.....and hey presto, it fits......but there's another air bubble!! So, out comes the rubber tubing again....something to do with 'blowing the system through by connecting the hot and cold feed of the washing machine to form a circuit'.....I dunno but any blokes reading this will probably know what it means!

Sooooooo, Sunday today - day of rest........not! My house looks like a nuclear fall-out bunker, I have just one small functioning bathroom (downstairs shower room still has no toilet yet cuz Friend is having a well-earned day off!)....I'm back to work tomorrow.... the guests will arrive next week all rested and excited and looking forward to the proceedings......while GG skips around hysterically with tousled hair, a crazed grin on her face and a bottle of Rescue Remedy spray welded to her right hand !!:w00t2:

Ah well.....Happy Daze!:byebye:

Sorry this was another GG novel - but thanks for letting me sound off.......again!! You're a great lot!:yesyes:



02-09-07, 12:44
:lisa: Lots of chuckles reading that!!!!!

You will fully appreciate what I have put on Facebook for how we met now lol!!!:yesyes:

I hope you all have a super duper time at the wedding - no crying now GG, remember we look like pigs when we cry!!!

I expect to see plenty of pics!!!:yesyes:

Love Piglet xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

02-09-07, 13:04

I nearly wee'd myself reading this!!! (TMI!!!) come on..... have some consideration for those of us who try to make out like there is nothing wrong with our pelvic floors:blush: !!!

Your...ahem....passage...is lovely my dear:wacko: !

Good luck with it all. What seems like a straightforward job never is is it? My en suite which supposed to be completed in the first two weeks of july, still has wind whistling in through the window frame, a window that you cannot shut wihout lots of @*$!!'s, no flooring, holes in the wall, and no door. Not to mention lots of tools sitting in the bathroom so even if I wanted to used the shower, I couldn't get bloody past them!
So my darling GG, you have all my sympathies. :hugs:

I find the best thing with blokes is to accept that it will always take them three years to do a two week job.......


02-09-07, 13:14
You are soooooo funny GG:D :D :D

Ever thought of going on the stage???:shrug:

Hope you get it sorted and bestest luck with the wedding, please post some piccies:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

02-09-07, 13:44
LOL GG You are so funny !!!:)

You could always hire a portaloo for the garden (and make money too, 20p a tinkle:winks: ) but im sorry GG i could only find you a pink one!........


Or you could always resort to one of these............


Joking apart GG, i do hope you get things sorted !:hugs:


02-09-07, 13:59
Well GG your passage ( saying this doesn't sound quite right somehow!) is looking alot better now :yesyes: Well done!

Lisa x

02-09-07, 14:04
Excellent G.G, but I've always admired your Pink Passage from afar:blush: xx

02-09-07, 14:32

What a lovely new passage!!!:ohmy:

As you know Alex and I are decorating too - well at the moment we are sitting looking at the walls and wishing they would paint themselves cos we are fed up of it now - been doing it for over a week!

Hope everything comes together for the wedding and good luck :yesyes:

02-09-07, 18:26
Oh GG, you are hilarious....your new passage looks just great (although I did kind of like the pink one lol).

You certainly are a woman of many talents....painting, cake making, cake decorating and belly dancing....you put me to shame woman lol!!!

I sympathise withe the bathroom saga, isnt it typical when your trying to get everything right that it all goes a tad wrong, still at least your hubbys trying....just keep him away from the paint in future lol!

actually I think its just as well youre back at work tomorrow, it'll keep you out of mischief for a while (just kidding lol!).

Good luck with the wedding, Im sure it'll all be fantastic on the day.... and I look forward to hearing all about it.

loadsa luv Coni XX:hugs:

03-09-07, 17:56
Oh GG you always make me laugh.........and your passage is looking lovely :flowers:

Good luck for the wedding, Im sure you will have a fab time

Luv Darkangel x

03-09-07, 18:27
That was an excellent tale GP, what a lovely passage you have and thats reminded me i have a cake to make.

Linda xx

03-09-07, 19:27

Why do i always end up laughing so much at your mishaps mate lol

Hope the wedding is a huge success


Trac xxx

04-09-07, 12:12
Hi Hun,

I must admit I was so sorry to see your pink passage go mate :weep: but I appreciate the need that you had hun!:winks: LOL

I do hope the wedding goes well http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_4_28.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm594YYGB) I'll be http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h191/curion123/m48/smayermtidoy/d4/03.gif

Hope you get this toilet thang sorted to mate!

Have you an outfit for the wedding? I thought this might look good!

http://www.enokiworld.com/goods/ginalapinksuit.jpg :winks:

Take Good Care Hun,:flowers:

Love 'N' BIG Janner Hugs,:hugs:

Pip's X X X X

04-09-07, 13:55
:sign20: :sign20:
Oh GG you don't half go through it my friend:hugs: but i just CAN'T HELP MYSELF creasing up at the way you put things across.
When i first saw the passage word i thought oh heck what is she on about now:lac: i was SURE it was gonna be something rude:blush: but when i saw it, it looks lovely and with all your talents you put me to shame.

with all your escapades you could start a tv series like the spencers:D and i'd certainly watch it all the way through:yesyes: your dahling of a hubby must have a laugh a minute with you GG:winks:

On a more serious note, hope all is in place for the wedding etc and all goes well, one tip tho for christ sake don't cry! i cried all the way through my son's wedding there were more people looking at me than the bride and groom, i felt so EMBARRASSED:blush: :blush: god knows what people thought :ban: i bets thats what they wanted to do with me:D

Anyway GG, you came through yet again girl so big hug for you:bighug1: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

07-09-07, 18:47
Oh GG you're such a star mate! :yesyes: I've just caught up with this thread and had a good chuckle at all your mishaps lol :roflmao:

Take care,

Mike x

The Fool
08-09-07, 17:42
wow i wish my dad/uncle/brother in law was as fast as makin there mind as your husband and his mate with the men in my family its decide to to the job and the 6 months later do the job!typical aye men!!:rolleyes: love the new passage but actually preferd the pink one :D but my screename isnt pinklover for nothin :tongue: