View Full Version : What is this?

13-01-19, 12:34
3 weeks ago I had my yearly sinusitis, went away after 2 days. The next week I had some cold, was blowing my nose every 30 minutes, went away after 3 days. This week Im getting quick sharp headaches behind my right ear....lasts a second, goes away and comes back.

My head and eyes feel full. Last week I was getting chills, I even had a really hot flush while driving home...I had to blast the AC to get it to go away.

I have been experiencing larger than usual stress lately but this is all unusual for me. I usually twitch and shake, i dont really get this headache and chills, hot, fullness stuff.

13-01-19, 17:08
There's quite a bad bug going around at the minute. I've picked this up, and have bronchitis and costocondritis to boot. I also have a splitting headache, which I'm treating with Paramol.

This sounds like a viral infection you have, including the sharp headaches, so maybe try taking paracetamol, ibuprofen OR aspirin (do NOT take together) or even escalate to Paramol (Paracetamol & Dihydrocodeine). The Paramol is a P med and can only be bought from your pharmacist.

Certainly, I've found the only thing that's working for this viral induced costocondritis & headache of mine has been Paramol.

Good luck