View Full Version : one for the ladies!!!!!!

02-09-07, 15:30
hi everyone
just wondering wether any of you experience nausea and a churning stomach whilst on their period?
i,ve only had this for the last few months after my doctor said i have ibs.
i would love to hear from anyone who has this too,as i feel as though i,m going crazy,with the "what-if"scenario
does ibs cause these symptoms?
take care :)
rach x x x

02-09-07, 16:08

Sorry you are having a hard time, being a woman really sucks at times!!

I'm not sure if this helps but i have endometriosis and IBS. I get terrible nausea every month but i put that down to the pain i get but i know that at the time of the month IBS can get easily flared up and you already feel a bit sensitive inside and it can just makes things worse.

Do you get a lot of pain related to your period, the reason i ask is that is the most comon cause for the nausea you are feeling?

Best advice is to put a hot water bottle or even better those patches you can buy that heat up on your stomach, drink a warm drink slowly and eat little and often.


02-09-07, 16:09
thats rubbish, doctors !

I get that and its caused by the hormones upseting the lining between the womb and the bowl, often it caused by endiometriosis (spell check?)
Its a horrible sensation, I feel so sorry for you suffering with that, but apparently the older you get the better it gets :winks: .
The contraceptive pill helps.

02-09-07, 18:49
thankyou so much mirry & doubter for your replues:)
i do get alot of pain when my period first starts but it usually starts (the nausea)after the first couple of days.
my periods are sooooo heavy at the mo (they have been for 10 years since i had my youngest daughter)that i,m anaemic AGAIN!!!!!
thanks mirry i think i will mention to the doctor about going on the pill,i just can,t stand my periods at the mo,i dread them every month:mad:
thanks again
take care
rach x x x

02-09-07, 20:14
i sometimes get terrible nausea during my period... sort of feeling sick but not able to actually be sick to get rid of the feeling. it's horrible because it stops me from doing anything! i also get the churning stomach and it's nasty. plus on top of it all my anxiety is so much worse at that time of the month!

basically it sucks being a girl sometimes!

sally xxx

03-09-07, 13:21
hi sally thanks for replying hun
its horrible isn,t it when you feel like this
i just wish i didn,t have to put up with this feeling as well as the anxiety!!!!!!:)
take care
and thanks again
take care
rach x x x