View Full Version : Recognizing my spiral, but still spiraling!

14-01-19, 22:22
I hate this cycle. I get over stressed. One small things triggers. Then it's one thing after the next.

I've been concerned with pelvic pain and other issues this week. I read that certain stretches can elevate pelvic muscle tension and help the symptoms so I laid down on my floor to stretch and it started to work right away. Then as I laid there relaxed and stretching with my eyes closed, my 4 year old threw a toy directly at my head and it smashed hard into my temple.

Not only did it take me by complete surprise because my eyes were closed, it hurt SO much and now my head still hurts, plus my jaw and teeth. I have TMJ that's worse on this side, so I'm sure tensing my jaw when it hit will make that flare up tonight. Blarg.

I'm so frustrated both that this happened and that my reaction is to be so anxious about this causing a serious problem like a bleed. I know it's ridiculous, but here I am.

Because of my therapy and long experience with anxiety I think I can keep things from completely over flowing with anxiety, but I hate that I even have to go through this tired routine.

15-01-19, 21:54
I don’t have any advice, but wanted to say I know how you feel. I too am exhausted by it all. I can recognise when things are spiralling too, but don’t seem to be able to stop it in its tracks

15-01-19, 22:16
That's a first, exposure therapy by 4 year old! Or a 4 year old therapist!

Part of it is about not fighting with yourself and not kicking yourself. You are allowed to feel how your subconscious is trying to make you feel. Pull the rug from under it, accept it, don't add to it. Negative feedback is what it thrives on.

That feels unnatural so it's hard. That's why it's best to try to get on with your day and not let it trap you so you aren't feeding back into the cycle with negativity which can happen with too much thinking time if you aren't able to let your thoughts go and stop compulsive activity.