View Full Version : Constant Urge to Pee

15-01-19, 16:43
For the past few weeks (2ish maybe) my peeing habits have been driving me crazy. It started out just at night time and I thought maybe it was a product of my anxiety. I would go pee before bed. Lay down...and then immediately feel like I needed to pee again.

Repeat and repeat until I had enough and decided to just sleep.

Now it's happening during the day, too. I went to the bathroom and sat there for an additional 10 minutes and over that time I would get random dribbles and slightly-more-than-dribbles extra.

But then as soon as I got up and went to do something the feeling of needing to pee is back! So I go to the toilet and try to relax. Nothing happens. Eventually I might get a little dribble.

Get up and my dumb brain immediately thinks "you're gonna have to go again in twenty seconds". And what do you know, the urge to pee is back right away.

If I dont think about it I dont notice an urge. But as soon as I realize I haven't been thinking about it...I'm thinking about it again!

I (most likely) have a cystocele/rectocele and I'm not sure if it can be at all related? Or if its just my mind??

I tend to be the type of person who holds their urine a lot. I don't like public bathrooms and there have been times when I will pee in the AM, go out all day, and then not pee until I'm at home 8+ hours later. Could i have stretched out my bladder or something?

I have no pain associated with this at all. Just annoyance.

I posted about it on another forum I'm part of and the replies of "omg get your kidneys checked" are freaking me out!

15-01-19, 16:54
I'm pretty sure I also have cystocele or rectocele or both and this will happen to me occasionally. It's definitely worse if I over think it and I think it's worse different times in my cycle when there are varying degrees of pressure in that area.

For me it doesn't actually feel like I have to pee, just that after I pee and stand up there's more pee just sitting right at the edge about to drip out. If it is the pelvic floor issues I think trying to relax and not strain to pee or keep going is the best way to make it stop.

15-01-19, 18:24
I have experienced this, and I sympathize because it can be a really distressing feeling to always feel like you have to pee! I had something called interstitial cystitis, which has similar symptoms to a UTI but no infection can be found. I had a bad bout of it about 5 years ago and thankfully it went away, and since then I've had much less severe bouts that only last a coupe of days. It's strongly related to anxiety. I'm not saying that's what you have, only that I've experienced that feeling before and I can relate!! Hopefully it'll go away soon for you.