View Full Version : Sick for 2 weeks

16-01-19, 01:31
I posted for the first time a few weeks ago about increased anxiety while sick and unfortunately I’m still suffering. I had a cold which turned into a horrible ear infection. I was on antibiotics for a week (finished last Friday) but on Sunday I started getting worse.. fever, body aches, cough etc. I went back to the Dr today and my pulse was 155 and bp 120/97 which kind of freaked me out. He confirmed I still have a bad infection and possible mastoiditis and need to do a 2 week course of stronger antibiotics. He also gave me a steroid shot to clear up my congestion. I’m trying to stay calm and trust my Dr. but I can’t stop worrying that I’ll end up in the hospital or worse because he mentioned if I wasn’t better by Friday I might need to be admitted. He didn’t seem too concerned about my pulse, said it was probably high from being sick and anxiety but that I should “keep an eye on it” and have it checked every so often while I’m at work since I work in a doctor’s office. I wish I could just relax because I feel like my anxiety is making me feel worse....

---------- Post added at 19:31 ---------- Previous post was at 18:03 ----------

Has anyone else here had a steroid shot for sinus congestion? I keep having hot flashes and need to sit in front of a fan to cool down even though it’s fairly cold here. Not sure if this is normal ��

16-01-19, 02:25
My son has had heaps of steroid shots and he used to get really hot with them. Does your face feel flushed?

16-01-19, 03:26
Yeah it did and I even broke out into a sweat, I put an ice pack on my forehead for a bit and that seemed to help some

16-01-19, 08:16
This is exactly the same as me at the moment but with a suspected kidney infection. I’m so worried all the time that it’s not going to get better and I will end up in hospital ��

16-01-19, 09:22
Yeah don't worry about the pulse, that's pretty normal if you're anxious, let alone sick. I had a really nasty infection about 18 months ago and had to haul myself to the GP and my pulse was actually higher than that by the time I got to see him.

I wouldn't pay too much attention to the actual reading while you still have the infection either. Mine normally hovers around 10-15 bpm higher if I'm ill, so often high 80s/low 90s even when I'm chilling in bed.

Furthermore, my body doesn't like antibiotics so I would definitely recommend taking a couple of courses of probiotics, good quality ones. My anxiety always skyrockets when I have AB's, even though I don't really suffer with anxiety any more. The difference is significant...and it's to do with your gut bacteria being temporarily killed off.