View Full Version : E Coli fear

16-01-19, 07:10
So recently, aorund last month, an e-coli outbreak happend. As a result, I stopped eating romaine lettuce and therefore felt great. However, I had a salad today with romaine lettuce, and according to my mom, she got it around a week ago. As today progressed, it's only been 6ish hours and I hqve diarrhea, and also feel sick. Should I be concerned, I7. Please help!

16-01-19, 13:17
The last reported case was December 4 and the outbreak was officially over last week. But way before last week the industry started voluntarily labeling their packages with the location of origin, so no one was selling romaine from the affected regions.

16-01-19, 14:49
The last reported case was December 4 and the outbreak was officially over last week. But way before last week the industry started voluntarily labeling their packages with the location of origin, so no one was selling romaine from the affected regions.

Considering the fact that E Coli gets worse in terms of diarreha, I've woekn up today and can barely even poop. And when I do, it's not as diarreha, and yet yesterday I was having that issue. So whatever happend yesterday was probably a result of anxiety or something else I hate, because if it was E Coli, I'd get worse and worse. Thank you so much for the information, hopefully, nothing bad happens throughout this week, as I'm still a tiny bit afraid I might get E Coli.

16-01-19, 15:21
Yes - almost definitely anxiety yesterday. I always get diarrhea from anxiety. I'm a big food safety anxiety person and also a lover of salad, haha. So I've been staying right on top of the romaine lettuce issue. I'd say your definitely safe!

17-01-19, 00:01
Yes - almost definitely anxiety yesterday. I always get diarrhea from anxiety. I'm a big food safety anxiety person and also a lover of salad, haha. So I've been staying right on top of the romaine lettuce issue. I'd say your definitely safe!

Thank you very much for the information, makes me feel much better, but I have a few more questions. The lettuce I had is from Simple Truth Organic, and it was, according to the label, grown in Mexico and certified in Santa Cruz. Is this a good sign? And also, is dying for E Coli very very unlikely or??

17-01-19, 01:32
Yes - it was only romaine grown in California that was implicated. Mexico is totally safe and was the whole time. So, no worries at all.

And, yes, it's also very rare to die from E. coli - usually only the very young, very old, immunocompromised, etc... But, it's not even an issue because your lettuce wasn't from CA.

17-01-19, 02:38
Yes - it was only romaine grown in California that was implicated. Mexico is totally safe and was the whole time. So, no worries at all.

And, yes, it's also very rare to die from E. coli - usually only the very young, very old, immunocompromised, etc... But, it's not even an issue because your lettuce wasn't from CA.

Thank you so much, may God bless you. My day was starting terribly but after your posts, I've been feeling much more relieved. Thank you again!

17-01-19, 03:09
I'm glad I could help! I've been in your shoes many times! <3