View Full Version : unsure about appointment

15-01-19, 20:22
Since Monday morning I haven't felt right. Started out as a cramping stomach and killer headache. The headache had eased however today I have felt so week and achy that I haven't wanted to move. I have also been feeling cold when it has been really warm.

I would put it down to viral/ flu but I don't have any sore throat or cough, congestion etc.

Just feel miserable and not myself at all :(

15-01-19, 20:43
You likely have a stomach bug. These things make you feel REALLY miserable but they aren't dangerous and rarely persist past 48hrs. Feel better!

15-01-19, 22:41
Yeah I don't know which part of the UK you're from, but there is quite a bad bug going around in my area presently.

This sounds like nothing more than 'stomach flu' and it should pass.

keep hydrated, eat light foods, take plenty of rest etc.

good luck

16-01-19, 17:44
Thank you both for your replies. I am from the South Wales area RadioGaga and yes, I know there has been a lot going around including stomach bugs!

I think what has thrown me off is that I don't have any other typical symptoms like a sore throat or vomiting, so it has just seemed quite random.

16-01-19, 18:13
After feeling unwell the past couple of days I decided to see the GP today.

I explained all of the unpleasant symptoms I've been having and they chalked it up to a viral infection that I'll need to control with paracetamol.

With how horrible I feel I am finding this hard to accept. My mind has been racing all day from meningitis to different cancers to diabetes.

I can't seem to relax at all and feel really unsure.

16-01-19, 18:22

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


16-01-19, 18:31
Have you tried using the paracetamol to help your symptoms? I’m sure it is a viral thing and you’ll feel better in a few days.
You can always go back to the gp after the weekend if you feel the same.

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16-01-19, 21:56
I did take a neurofen this morning Scass. But in all honesty I don't like to take too much medication in case it doesn't improve my symptoms and I'd go into panic overload.

---------- Post added at 21:56 ---------- Previous post was at 19:01 ----------

Would anyone like to chat? I still feel awful and I'm so worried :weep: this is not like me at all :(

16-01-19, 22:26
You will be fine once your body gets to grips with the virus. It's already started to fight it. Time will sort this out and you must allow yourself to let your immune system do its job.
Not all viruses give you the traditional cough, cold symptoms. This one has hit your stomach.
Give it a few days and you'll feel fine, just ride it out

16-01-19, 23:32
Thank you for the reply Darksky! I think because it started with stomach aches/cramps then maybe!

It's just one thing after the other. I've noticed that my wee [sorry tmi] is dark and frothy as well and I'm just so worried about every symptom I'm getting. It's really hard to just keep calm and relax with this one.

17-01-19, 06:28
Just sounds like a virus. There seems to be loads of crappy ones doing the rounds this year. Try to stick to paracetamol not neurofen, it's gentler on your stomach. Get well soon.

17-01-19, 13:41
So vomiting started last night and I've had diarrhoea today. I hope this at least it means it's on the way out :(

17-01-19, 17:50
Oh poor you, it sounds like a really rubbish virus. Hope you feel better soon.

I used to feel that way about paracetamol until I had a cesarian- then it became my new best friend! It’s no problem to take it when you need it.

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18-01-19, 20:53
Thanks Scass, I hope sp too!!

I did improve but still getting chills which I find to be the worst. The paracetemol is great but as soon as it wares off I get them again :(

18-01-19, 23:47
Does sound feverish. Good that it’s working for a while though.

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