View Full Version : Hello to you all............

02-09-07, 21:08
Hello, i've just found this website today and i am touched by the posts on here.
I live just along the coast from Brighton and my name is Pete.
I've just split up from my longterm partner and right now feeling so alone.
She totally accepted the fact that i could not do all the things most people take for granted.....
I can get out and about, but never far from the car.........
This feels like the most difficult message i have ever written.......
I need to talk to somebody that understands......maybe now is the time.....
My life needs to change........i need to face the future whatever it may be.....
All of a sudden i have no real plans......but i want to face this....I've let it beat me for way to long now......



02-09-07, 21:19
Hello Pete :welcome:to you!

So sorry to hear of your circumstances - don't worry abnout not having any plans as yet.....just take little steps one at a time and don't rush yourself.

But good on you for your determination !

You'll find plenty of help and support here - and make some new friends I'm sure!

Pleased to meet you!


02-09-07, 21:34
Hi Pete

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.

Im sorry to hear to hear of your circumstances also:hugs: , your not alone hun we are all here to help. :)

Love and hugs

02-09-07, 21:57
Hi and welcome :)


02-09-07, 23:37
Hi Plazz

:welcome: to NMP! You will find lots of support on here make some good friends and you'll be able to talk to people who are going through the same sort of stuff you are, it really helps just to know you aren't alone.

Take care.

02-09-07, 23:53
Hi Pete,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

03-09-07, 07:52
Hi Pete,

Welcome to NMP. I understand where you are coming from and you have my full empathy and support. I hope we can help you.

03-09-07, 09:27
Hello Pete :welcome:

03-09-07, 11:16
hello pete and welcome..........linda

Pink Princess
03-09-07, 13:27

love minnie xxxxxxxxxxxx

03-09-07, 15:57
Hi Pete,

Welcome to NMP. I'm sorry to hear what you have been going through. Many here will understand and will be able to support you and you will make friends.



03-09-07, 15:58
Hi pete, not so far from me, i'm a sussex girl

Hope that you find all the support you need to feel better

lots of hugs


03-09-07, 19:06
:) Hi Pete :)

Welcome to the site, I know what you mean about being blown away by some of the posts in here; I remember thinking it was just nice to witness such a spontaneous mass support system between people - Not the side of humanity you usually hear about on the news,etc! Sorry to hear about the end of your relationship but I'm glad you're looking to the future & I'm sure you'll find lots of info to help you help yourself the way you know you need to. Good luck with it,
Take care, CarpeDiem

03-09-07, 19:16

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

04-09-07, 11:15
Hi Pete and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. I'm think it was very courageous of you to post and is an important first step on the road to recovery. Plan some small steps to concentrate on and the rest will follow as your confidence increases.

Take care,

Mike :)

04-09-07, 19:38
Hi Pete

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.