View Full Version : Anxiety When You're Not Anxious?

16-01-19, 21:13
How many of you still experience severe anxiety symptoms when you seem to be "doing well"?

I am extremely tired/dizzy all the time but I've been working out every morning and doing better at work and haven't had a panic attack in weeks but sometimes I’m sitting at my desk at work and feel like I am going to pass out I am struck my such intense fatigue and dizziness. Can this still happen even if you’re not “anxious”?

16-01-19, 22:05
The fact that you are on here asking this question implies that you are worried and anxious. But to answer your question, yes. You cant just shut off anxiety/stress after an episode...it takes time for it to simmer..and sometimes there are residual effects before it clears out. Also, chronic stress in general can cause literal long lasting symptoms. Just recognize that the brain is complex and terrifying...but dont pay no mind to it.