View Full Version : Finger Shaking - Parkinson’s Fear

16-01-19, 21:59
Hi guys...I hate even having to come here and post but this week has been tough. A couple weeks ago I noticed my hands were feeling shaky and it’s not something I typically deal with. So I started putting my hands out in front of me in a flexed position and saw that my left pinky shakes side to side. Not just tremors or shakes, but literally moves left to right. I can move my hands into a different position and then it stops but anytime I flex my fingers out, it shakes side to side. Combined with my left eye twitching and the left side of my nose twitching, I’m fearing Parkinson’s as it’s all on one side.

Fast forward to a dr appt I had today. It was just a check up but I mentioned these things and she did NOT reassure me after looking at it. She even brought up Parkinson’s but said it was probably not it because I’m under 40. Said she wants to watch it and see if I get any other symptoms or if the “tremor” gets worse. I have no resting tremor, it’s literally only in the flexed position but I’m not sure that matters. Dr. Google tells me that the side to side movement is actually the bad thing. Now I can’t stop checking it to the point that my whole arm feels shaky and aches. 😕

Anyhow, since she did seem concerned, now my anxiety is through the roof. I do use my phone a lot and I hold it with my left hand. I also am a gamer and wonder if using my controller could be part of the cause. I’ve been playing more lately almost to stop my fixation on my health. Wouldn’t it be ironic if it caused another issue? Anyhow, anyone else ever had their finger do this? Trying to figure out if my fixation on the finger movement is actually causing it to do that more? Like I’ve subconsciously created this problem!!!

16-01-19, 22:22
This is an interesting post because I haven't seen anyone else on here with a fear of Parkinson's (it probably does happen, I just haven't seen it yet).

You do know tremors can be caused by many, many, many things, right? According to a Professional Reference site I frequent, 'anxiety states' is listed as a cause as well. And you are posting this on an anxiety forum.

Holding your arms out, with fingers flexed, experiencing tremor in this state is known as postural. Parkinson's tremor occurs in 'static' states e.g. sitting with limbs limp/by your side.

Tremor at 4-6 Hz is seen at rest and, if not immediately apparent, may be induced by concentration - eg, asking the patient to recite months of the year backwards.

I do think this is just your anxiety making you hyper-focus on your body, making you notice every little 'sound' it makes.

However, should it worsen see your doctor again but I really don't think you have Parkinson's.

Good luck

16-01-19, 22:34
Maybe you have pulled a muscle in your hand? You dont work with computers at all? I know you said gaming so that could be a factor. Keyboard work and mouse usage can cause symptoms in hands.

Few weeks ago when I was worrying about Als, Ms and even Parkinsons a bit, my hans tremored like mad, and thumb was literally flicking back an forth when I was about to type on my phone. I think id used my phone so much to check stuff (literally hours a day) my wrist and hand muscles had become tense and stiff. Plus Ive had to use laptop more in work which is worse for hands and wrists. They still shake a bit but nowhere near as bad as they were when I focused on it. Id imagine yours will cool down eventually.

16-01-19, 22:42
This is an interesting post because I haven't seen anyone else on here with a fear of Parkinson's (it probably does happen, I just haven't seen it yet).

You do know tremors can be caused by many, many, many things, right? According to a Professional Reference site I frequent, 'anxiety states' is listed as a cause as well. And you are posting this on an anxiety forum.

Holding your arms out, with fingers flexed, experiencing tremor in this state is known as postural. Parkinson's tremor occurs in 'static' states e.g. sitting with limbs limp/by your side.

I do think this is just your anxiety making you hyper-focus on your body, making you notice every little 'sound' it makes.

However, should it worsen see your doctor again but I really don't think you have Parkinson's.

Good luck

Thank you so much for your reply. I do tend to be a “checker”....so once I notice something, it just gets worse and worse. And if I’m being honest, prior to noticing this issue my daughter had an ancestry dna test done and the health portion showed Parkinson’s on there as a moderate risk based on genetics. So I became scared of it. Then suddenly I notice this jumpy finger and I’m just convinced it’s that. If I don’t flex my fingers out or hyperfocus on it, I don’t even notice it. But the second I think about it, it’s like my entire arm starts buzzing and feeling weird.

16-01-19, 23:13
Left eye twitching is actually a fasciculation, and is due to poor sleep or chronic stress. You can also get fasiculations in your hands, particularly the abductor digiti...which would cause your pinky to move on its own. The syndrome is called Benign Fasciculation Syndrome. Parkinson's generally doesnt effect the nose or the eye, just the extremities, torso, and neck.

17-01-19, 10:43
Breezie, I wouldn't worry about the docs comment. They often say things that don't need saying without thinking of the implications of the after affects on the patient who goes away and obsesses over their comments.
Unfortunately they do not think when they say these things.
I've had twitches all over my body, even a thumb moving up and down on its own, all caused by stress!
Apart from that, twitching does not necessarily mean Parkinsons. My dad had it and didn't twitch or shake at all.

17-01-19, 15:23
my fingers have been going off for years. I never cared back in the day, but lately after googling I started caring lol. But I have to keep remembering, happens a lot.

Side to side, up and down, twirling, rapid fast twitch. Had them all

17-01-19, 16:58
I get a lot of issues with my ulnar nerve (runs from elbow to pinkie and ring finger) from being on my computer too long. If you're gaming a lot and have your elbows bent holding the controller there's a good possibility this is causing the issue. I've never gotten tremors but I get pain and numbness in those fingers all the time. Plus, as others have said, anxiety can definitely contribute!

It sounds like your doctor was kind of thinking out loud about all the possibilities, and she herself said she didn't think it was Parkinson's, so I wouldn't stress about that.

Try to rest from the gaming for a bit, or stop every now and then to stretch out your arm. Raising my arm above my head for a minute usually relieves some of the pressure on the nerve.

17-01-19, 21:30
Thank you all for taking the time to respond or offer insight. I really appreciate it. Right now my goal is to stop the constant checking. I just can’t seem to stop. Like I’ll notice I haven’tlooked to see if my pinky shakes when I hold it out flexed, so I immediately check and of course, it shakes and the cycle starts all over again until I get preoccupied doing something else. I’ve tried listening to podcasts, reading a book, listening to music, talking on the phone...etc. nothing helps. It’s like I forget for a minute and then I have to check. :(

I tried to convince myself that maybe my pinky has always done this my whole life and I just recently noticed. But I got engaged and married to the love of my life just about 2 years ago and I’ve done a lot of looking at the ring on my finger in that time. Taken lots of pictures of my finger with my ring, etc. So certainly I would have noticed this and panicked sooner. Ugh. I just want it to stop happening so I can move on. Prior to this fear it was ALS for the last year. I’m exhausted by this nonsense.

19-01-19, 10:20
I get this sometimes if I press on that arm for a bit such as laying on my side, holding arm at wrong angle for long periods of time, mine lasted two weeks.

19-01-19, 20:18
It's always anxiety inducing when someone else reiterates your fear, but the Dr keeping an eye on it is a good thing. Also, I had tremors for months absolutely everywhere, every day. Worst were in my hands, I'd notice finger shakes like you described too. I was scared silly that it was something terrible... It was a B12 deficiency and I was so shocked it managed to cause such terrible symptoms. Note that also my blood work was fine for ages, B12 went up and down a couple of times but was mostly ok until this period of constant intensity where it remained low and they were able to diagnose. As a gamer, I've also had horrible nerve pain in my hands and wrists too, I just bought a wrist support online and use that when it's bad.

23-11-19, 20:12
I am worried about parkinsons too

23-11-19, 21:22
Thank you all for taking the time to respond or offer insight. I really appreciate it. Right now my goal is to stop the constant checking. I just can’t seem to stop. Like I’ll notice I haven’tlooked to see if my pinky shakes when I hold it out flexed, so I immediately check and of course, it shakes and the cycle starts all over again until I get preoccupied doing something else. I’ve tried listening to podcasts, reading a book, listening to music, talking on the phone...etc. nothing helps. It’s like I forget for a minute and then I have to check. :(

I tried to convince myself that maybe my pinky has always done this my whole life and I just recently noticed. But I got engaged and married to the love of my life just about 2 years ago and I’ve done a lot of looking at the ring on my finger in that time. Taken lots of pictures of my finger with my ring, etc. So certainly I would have noticed this and panicked sooner. Ugh. I just want it to stop happening so I can move on. Prior to this fear it was ALS for the last year. I’m exhausted by this nonsense.

Hi Breezie I too have shaky fingers and hands, had it for the past year and also “ an internal tremor “ I was utterly convinced I had Parkinsons and now I am on als at the moment

I’m too exhausted by this nonsense I know exactly how you feel . 11 months of an als fear I am ill with worry from it all

For what it’s worth I really do believe the Tremors are anxiety ridden .

24-11-19, 01:57
Breezie, I wouldn't worry about the docs comment. They often say things that don't need saying without thinking of the implications of the after affects on the patient who goes away and obsesses over their comments.
Unfortunately they do not think when they say these things.
I've had twitches all over my body, even a thumb moving up and down on its own, all caused by stress!
Apart from that, twitching does not necessarily mean Parkinsons. My dad had it and didn't twitch or shake at all.

How long did you have the twitching? How did you get it to stop?