View Full Version : Sobbing, I’m so scared.

17-01-19, 01:02
Okay I have another thread opened if this needs to be moved please move it, I just feel like my posts get lost amongst others.

I’ve got a horrible worry that I have MS. The past few weeks I’ve had muscle aches, in my leg primarily - a heavy, dull horrible feeling. I’ve had electric shock feelings and twitching in my eye.

I’ve also had times when I can’t swallow which leads me to panic.

From my previous searching these are all symptoms of MS.

I’ve stupidly fallen into the google trap tonight and found something about blue pink prick lights which were a sign of eye cancer? IVE HAD THESE. So alongside my eye feeling weird that’s now sprung to the forefront.

I’m petrified, I’m so scared. I don’t know what’s happening but I’m frightened and convinced more than anything that I’m going to die or something is wrong.

I can’t do this anymore

17-01-19, 01:47
Stop searching Google. It’ll only make you feel worse. I did the same earlier, and now it’s nearly 2am and I should be asleep!

17-01-19, 01:53
Stop searching Google. It’ll only make you feel worse. I did the same earlier, and now it’s nearly 2am and I should be asleep!

:( me too, I want to sleep but I’m too scared to wake up and feel worse

17-01-19, 01:54
Same here. Work in the morning, but my brain is too busy. So I lie here aimlessly browsing the internet and listening to radio. It helps.

17-01-19, 02:07
Same here. Work in the morning, but my brain is too busy. So I lie here aimlessly browsing the internet and listening to radio. It helps.

Well I hope you manage to get some rest! tomorrow is a new day, that’s what I’m trying to tell myself

17-01-19, 03:08
Have you seen your Dr, if you've had these symptoms for several weeks that would be the sensible thing to do?

Hope you feel better soon.

17-01-19, 07:42
Have you seen your Dr, if you've had these symptoms for several weeks that would be the sensible thing to do?

Hope you feel better soon.

I have been to the doctors when the leg pain initially started and then the electric shock feelings. With the leg pain I was told I have very low vitamin d levels and that’s why my leg was hurting... just can’t seem to believe that in my head

17-01-19, 10:34
Vitamin D affects so many processes in the body, so being low can result in muscle problems. I had a lower Vitamin D level than you (which I think you posted in the other thread), and had all sorts of aches and pains. It's like your body is slowly falling apart and nothing works properly anymore. I got to a point where I started to wonder if I was slowly dying because I just couldn't really function anymore. It also messes up your brain, making you feel more depressed and anxious.

I think you also said you had been prescribed supplements - if these are the strong ones (e.g. 10,000 or 20,000IU) then I would suggest taking magnesium and Vitamin K alongside it. When I didn't take Vitamin K at the same time, I started getting bruises popping up everywhere because the Vitamin D used it all up and I became deficient in K. And lack of magnesium can start off muscle twitching/cramps and funny heart symptoms like extra beats and palpitations. Vitamin D needs both to work in the body, so will use up any stores you have.

I'm just pre-warning you in case you get any of these symptoms and panic that something is seriously wrong - it's not, it's just a deficiency in one of those!

17-01-19, 11:00
Vitamin D affects so many processes in the body, so being low can result in muscle problems. I had a lower Vitamin D level than you (which I think you posted in the other thread), and had all sorts of aches and pains. It's like your body is slowly falling apart and nothing works properly anymore. I got to a point where I started to wonder if I was slowly dying because I just couldn't really function anymore. It also messes up your brain, making you feel more depressed and anxious.

I think you also said you had been prescribed supplements - if these are the strong ones (e.g. 10,000 or 20,000IU) then I would suggest taking magnesium and Vitamin K alongside it. When I didn't take Vitamin K at the same time, I started getting bruises popping up everywhere because the Vitamin D used it all up and I became deficient in K. And lack of magnesium can start off muscle twitching/cramps and funny heart symptoms like extra beats and palpitations. Vitamin D needs both to work in the body, so will use up any stores you have.

I'm just pre-warning you in case you get any of these symptoms and panic that something is seriously wrong - it's not, it's just a deficiency in one of those!

Really? Wow, see I’ve nevee heard of any of this I’ve never heard of vitamin d affecting a body in this way. So it’s very interesting to hear this from someone else too.

I’m taking 50,000IU once a week for 6 weeks, have only taken two weeks so far. But thank you for telling me that I’ll have to pick some up!

17-01-19, 18:31
Vitamin D never even crossed my mind until my test result showed how low I was, and the doctor explained the symptoms. So that's two of us :blush:

17-01-19, 18:46
oxoshannon, whatever you describe doesn't sound like MS. MS symptoms don't come and go. They come and stay, since the area in the brain is damaged. I know someone with MS. She woke up one day and could not control her left leg and left arm. She actually thought that she had a stroke. It took her awhile to regain that control (most of it).

17-01-19, 19:06
Vitamin D never even crossed my mind until my test result showed how low I was, and the doctor explained the symptoms. So that's two of us :blush:

Very interesting! I want to look into it more but I get lost on google going onto other things, I’ll ask the doctors next time I’m in. She did explain obviously the leg pain etc but it’s innocent things like that which I find hard to believe, anything else I’m like YES wow I have that. Love the logic there :unsure:

---------- Post added at 19:06 ---------- Previous post was at 19:04 ----------

oxoshannon, whatever you describe doesn't sound like MS. MS symptoms don't come and go. They come and stay, since the area in the brain is damaged. I know someone with MS. She woke up one day and could not control her left leg and left arm. She actually thought that she had a stroke. It took her awhile to regain that control (most of it).

I’m sorry to hear that, thank you for letting me know that. My ‘symptoms’ have definitely come and gone multiple times over the weeks so it’s not a constant with one of them, it’s like a circle my body is in. Done with leg pain? Move onto the eye. Done with the eye? Move onto the brain.

18-01-19, 16:35
I've felt really poorly today, my eyes are not feeling okay - I'm going to the opticians tomorrow just for my peace of mind.

In my head I'm thinking "if I have MS they'll find SOMETHING in the eye test" - but I just want to get rid of the MS though entirely :(

I think I know why I've taken such a dip, I start a new job on Monday and I think my anxiety has just manifested in this way instead of just letting me enjoy this exciting time