View Full Version : Health anxiety rearing it's ugly head. Gallbladder worries.

17-01-19, 17:30
So I've managed to avoid coming on here for a while since I was keeping my health anxiety at bay somewhat. But after a visit with the consultant today (surgeon) for my gallbladder, my health anxiety has sky-rocketed and I'm honestly preparing myself for the worst already.

So three years ago (maybe four by now) I was diagnosed with a small gallbladder polyp around 3.6mm at the time. The guy doing the US said it was common, nothing to worry about, so I forgot for a while until last year when I realized I should probably follow it up. I had another ultrasound scan a year ago and found it had grown to 4.6mm or something, so roughly a whole mm more. It was a solitary polyp too, and the consultant said it's probably recommended for me to have GB surgery and have it taken out, but I wanted to hold off for two reasons - a) I have a multitude of other health issues and have no idea of the effects it will have on me afterward and b) because most of the time a polyp under 5mm is not necessarily a high risk of anything. Oh, and probably worth mentioning the last surgery I had was terrible and I had a really bad time recovering, which put me off going unless it's necessary.

So I had another ultrasound appt, in which it had grown sliiiiiightly more to 4.8mm maybe (still under 5mm tho and sonographer didn't seem worried). However, I went for my next follow up US a week ago (6 months after the previous) and I apparently now have TWO polyps, one is only 2mm, the other hasn't really grown.

Now everywhere online is telling me that multiple polyps are generally benign, that they tend to be commonly cholesterol polyps and that I shouldn't worry unless they grow over 10mm etc. The surgeon today was very blunt and didn't really do much to ease my fears, not answering questions I had and saying things that had no relation to what I was asking. One moment he said he couldn't say if it was a sinister polyp, and that the only way they know is if they take it out. I tried to explain the situation, and ask if the risks were low of me having anything sinister, also asking about the notion that multiple polyps usually are better than single polyps (Then again I have no idea why they grew at different times). He refused to say either way whether multiple polyps make a difference, and then kept talking about gallstones as well, even though I've been told it's not gallstones. So I got even more confused. In the end he said they couldn't see cancer on the scan so just get a follow-up scan in 3 months, (a lot sooner than the previous scan)

I had a lot of questions, mainly because I don't know what surgery would do considering my other conditions and if I generally was well I probably would opt for the surgery but I'm worried of the after-effects.

Immediately I'm jumping to conclusions that I'm already dealing with something sinister, a) because he's been pushing me to surgery so much and b) because they are making me go for a followup ultrasound in only 3 months when usually it's 6 months. In the meantime he says I have to personally research the pros and cons and risks of surgery and whether I want to have my GB out. I'm a bit shocked at that, seeing as I thought that the consultant usually is supposed to help you in answering questions rather than me going on Dr Google and trying to figure it all out myself!

In the end he said if I want a second opinion to get one, but I know waiting for another referral for so long is gonna probably make me even more anxious and worked up, and then I'll probably have the same result from someone else. Not to mention the hospital is the only one nearby and if I do opt for surgery I need to be able to get a taxi home.

I'm completely at a loss of what to do now, and keep thinking I should have gone for the surgery right away considering I've probably already got something bad and likely will end up with only a year or so to live. Although they say they're a common occurrence, I really haven't found many posts here about them, nor are there much really about them online other than scientific research studies. The studies seemed promising tbh, and even so, at my young age of 34 I know GB cancer is super rare, but the surgeon seemed to make me feel like I should be basically jumping in line for an operation right now.

Basically I just wanted to vent, I know there's not much advice anyone can give me, and I thought I was doing so well with the health anxiety stuff until he put this idea into my head haha. I have so many gastric symptoms that I've basically led myself to believe it's gonna be a bad outcome no matter what. :weep:

Has anyone had gallbladder polyps here? Has anyone had any positive outcomes?

Either way, thanks for reading, and sorry this got quite long.

17-01-19, 19:31
I have a gallbladder polyp. My GP told me it was nothing to worry about so I forgot all about it until I read this post!

I imagine your surgeon is offering you surgery and a sooner scan because he can sense your anxiety over it. If he was worried he wouldn’t be vague.

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17-01-19, 20:03
Haha, I guess that could be so, he did say I wouldn't have to worry any more about it if I didn't have it anymore, but he also didn't give me any information or anyone to talk to about the surgery if I were to have it.

Do you have to have yours checked up on or anything? They're supposedly common (and multiple polyps are meant to be less suspicious and more likely to be cholesterol polyps) but the consultant wouldn't tell me anything other than they think I should have the surgery.

17-01-19, 20:08
It was never mentioned that it needed to be checked.

Well if he thinks you should have the surgery then go for it. It’s supposed to be very simple. I also think it’s good that he told you to research in that he is letting you make an informed choice. He can’t make you have surgery, only recommend it.

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17-01-19, 20:38
He's a surgeon, so that's what he does and how he views problems. That would be the most likely reason to me that he was "pushing" surgery. I don't have experience myself, but my 78 year old neighbor had his gallbladder removed a few months ago and he was only at the hospital for like 4 hours. It was incredible! He was out walking his dog the next day! So - not knowing your other medical issues - I do know the surgery is very easy and non-invasive.

17-01-19, 20:49
It was never mentioned that it needed to be checked.

Well if he thinks you should have the surgery then go for it. It’s supposed to be very simple. I also think it’s good that he told you to research in that he is letting you make an informed choice. He can’t make you have surgery, only recommend it.

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Huh, that's weird haha. I feel like everywhere is different in how they treat things. Online it tends to say that people with polyps under 5mm don't generally have to worry about surgery. 5-10mm is advisable, and 10mm is definitely recommended. Yeah haha, my only problem is that I've researched all I can and still am no closer to knowing what's best, considering my situation with my health issues. He wouldn't give the chance to ask him about how it might affect me if I had the surgery, so I can't really make an informed decision based on it.

He's a surgeon, so that's what he does and how he views problems. That would be the most likely reason to me that he was "pushing" surgery. I don't have experience myself, but my 78 year old neighbor had his gallbladder removed a few months ago and he was only at the hospital for like 4 hours. It was incredible! He was out walking his dog the next day! So - not knowing your other medical issues - I do know the surgery is very easy and non-invasive.

Yeah, it's likely why he's leaning towards that way. Personally I'm surprised I haven't been able to just see a general gastroenterologist about it, and ask these kind of questions I need answers to, considering the surgeons only see things one way. I know the surgery is meant to be non-invasive, I've had a lap in the past, but never had an organ removed. The recovery does worry me a little obviously, but my real concern is my ongoing health problems and how it may affect me.

17-01-19, 21:05
Yeah, it's likely why he's leaning towards that way. Personally I'm surprised I haven't been able to just see a general gastroenterologist about it, and ask these kind of questions I need answers to, considering the surgeons only see things one way. I know the surgery is meant to be non-invasive, I've had a lap in the past, but never had an organ removed. The recovery does worry me a little obviously, but my real concern is my ongoing health problems and how it may affect me.

Yes, I get that. It's easy to say that it's no big deal, but I'm over here too wimpy to have a super minor hernia repaired... I also had a bad previous surgical experience (though it was an emergency, so a really bad indication of how I'd handle minor, scheduled surgery... but, anxiety.)

Can you get an appt with a gastro?

17-01-19, 22:40
Yes, I get that. It's easy to say that it's no big deal, but I'm over here too wimpy to have a super minor hernia repaired... I also had a bad previous surgical experience (though it was an emergency, so a really bad indication of how I'd handle minor, scheduled surgery... but, anxiety.)

Can you get an appt with a gastro?

Haha, I can totally understand that. Scheduled surgery may be easier and more controlled, but it's scary going into the unknown as the person having it! Even so, I think having a bad reaction to it all kind of put me off having any so I'm kind of feeling low about having to have to go through surgery again.

I might have to see if I can talk to my GP and what I can do - I don't think I would have been given that option as they seem like they're saying take it or leave it (obviously I can have it monitored but I'm sure they're seeing me as a nuisance who is just taking up appointments) ... it would have been nice to have spoken to a gastro so I could talk about my options and the pros/cons and risks and so forth - there's only so much the internet can tell me and it's not always the good things you come across haha. I also have a bit of an atypical situation, so it's better to really discuss these things properly.

Thanks for replying though, it helps to kind of have someone who understands in any case :)

25-01-19, 15:57

To second ErinKC's (hey ErinKC!) input, surgeons ALWAYS recommend surgery. It's how they approach medicine. It's actually really hard in the US to find certain fields of medicine, ENT for example, that aren't run primarily by surgeons. I don't know if gastroenterology is the same way? My brother is a gastroenterologist and a surgeon and he's always operating on patients. It's very hard to get a "wait and see" answer from a surgeon.

Gallbladder issues run in my family on my mom's side. My mom, her mom, and both of her sisters had their gallbladder removed. They were prone to gallstones though and had extremely painful attacks. Surgery was a relief for them and they all recovered very quickly.

That said, I had a pretty horrible experience with a "routine" surgery as a child which is the origin of my HA. I'm of the mindset that if "it ain't broke, don't fix it" and approach surgery on an as only as absolutely necessary basis. My advice (for whatever it is worth), is always get second opinions, do a risk analysis/quality of life comparison, and talk to others who have undergone the surgery. That should provide you with enough legit (non-HA catastrophising) info to make an informed decision. Hope this is helpful!

26-01-19, 18:18
Late reply but thank you! I've looked into getting a second opinion and it looks like my health insurance may cover it so I'm just gonna go and see about seeing a gastroenterologist if that's the best option. I want to figure out how it could affect me if I went through surgery, what's the likelihood I need surgery and whether there's other options, as well as make sure everything is working fine there.

I actually spoke to a GP regarding my referral (he just wanted to wait for the letter a bit longer so they know what they're dealing with) and even he said normally they don't do much other than monitor if they're under 5mm (he even said 1cm was normally the point they start to take action!) So I guess he was surprised but then these are guidelines from a different hospital and not the one I was at. I'm actually unhappy with the service I've had at the hospital I went to, initially it was because if I was having surgery I knew it'd be the easiest to get home from, but I've considered further and it looks like my boyfriend can drive me home and take the day off if it comes to it, so I'm considering further afield. Also the sonographer who did the US never told me about the other polyp (and the surgeon I saw didn't seem sure if it was a second polyp or a gallstone) so I'm a bit confused in all honesty about what's what.

Thanks for all your input though. I hope I can resolve it soon and figure out the best way forward for me! :)

PS: I'm also of the mindset if it ain't broken, don't fix it as I also had a horrible experience with a surgery some years ago, and it's kind of scared me off having any surgery in future that isn't vital so I totally get where you're coming from! :p

27-01-19, 10:37
I would agree with other posters, from my experience surgeons will be quite straight forward that surgery is their suggested way to go as that is what they do, particularly if they think it will fix something that is bothering you or making you anxious. I had my gallbladder out 3 years ago, they thought I had gallstones as seen on ultrasound, so surgeon suggested best thing was just to get it out, he didn't review the scan (and turned out I didn't have gallstones after all!).

It was ok and reasonably quick recovery although I did have to stay overnight and they usually say you have to be picked up by someone on discharge.

Sounds like doctors are not too worried about your polyps, surgeon is just offering a solution, but if it is not best approach based on your other conditions, it sounds like the watch and wait approach isn't going to be a risk. If you can get a second opinion just to put your mind at ease then that could be useful.