View Full Version : My health anxiety is off again!!

17-01-19, 18:43

I have suffered from health anxiety for years and I am currently on 20mg Citalopram which has helped.

The reason for my post is that 8 days ago I was putting a washing in and turned round to collect the soap powder when I felt a sharp, searing pain in my middle/upper back. I went to the doctors who said it was muscular, gave me painkillers and sent me home. The thing is its not much better even with taking them and I'm now terrified of it being a PE, blood clot in my lung. It sounds daft and I know it does but it's concentrated pain just at the bottom of my left shoulder blade and I cannot get rid of the fear! Has anyone suffered anything similar?

Please tell me I'm a little crazy and the doctor was right:-(.

Thanks in advance for any help! Xx

17-01-19, 18:44
You're not crazy, you have health anxiety.

Your doctor is right, though.

17-01-19, 18:51
Thank you for the reply. I don't know why I can't shake the fear of a PE, maybe it's because I used to have such a fear of a DVT, I've no idea but it's sucking the life out of me. X