View Full Version : Pancreatic cancer worry

18-01-19, 03:16
In the beginning of this year it was lung cancer then this summer it was brain cancer but now I’m terrified that I have pancreatic cancer. Last Sunday I noticed a familiar pain I get under my shoulder blade and left side and it kind of moves toward my stomach very slowly like gas. It feels like a bubble of pain. No change in bowls or anything else just this pain. I have felt this pain a lot of the years usually lasts a day or two but it’s slight (2-3) this is every day for a week and stronger like a (6) and is worse after eating. I googled and that was my problem. I’m terrified. I exercise a lot and I’m in my late 30s. Run and lift weights. I’ve felt this pain a lot for about 10 years some years I won’t have it at all but it’s really strong this week. I feel a bit more gas with it. I hate having H.A.

18-01-19, 08:46
So you’ve had similar pains for ten years? Do YOU think it’s likely to be pancreatic cancer?

18-01-19, 13:58
You are moving from one cancer to another which is typical HA. What help are you getting to overcome that?

18-01-19, 15:19
What help do you suggest I get? I don’t know where to start.

18-01-19, 18:16
Have a look at the sticky threads in this forum (at the top). You will see which ones are relevant.