View Full Version : Costochondritis - chest/shoulder/Neck pain?

18-01-19, 07:39
I went to the doctor as I was having chest and shoulder discomfort. It hurts when I press the area and around the collar bone. The doctor thinks it is costochondritis, but has booked me in for an ECG to make sure. Of course this has got me more worried! I have had costochondritis a few times over the years but it didn't effect my shoulder or neck. Anyone else had this at all, feeling worried :(

18-01-19, 10:12
Yes! I have been suffering with Costo since the start of the year, and i find the pain loves moving all around my rib cage. While i can feel it in my sternum, i have felt the pain in my back (between my shoulders) as well as in the front and sides of my ribs.

Reading from others on other costo groups, i know they can feel the same, so it seems pretty common. Try not to stress over this (i know, easier said than done), and relax (as that is the best thing you can do for costo..)

18-01-19, 10:23
I had this until literally yesterday when it went away.

Consider Paramol following a consultation with your pharmacist if the doctor doesn't prescribe anything.

It's painful and I had it in my neck and shoulders too

Good luck

18-01-19, 21:08
I was worried about this a while ago as I was experiencing pain under my ribs, all over my back, and front upper chest. I think costacondritis can basically affect any of the muscles connected to your ribcage. I find sometimes it gets worse when I haven't had enough calcium/vitamin D.... Hope that helps.

19-01-19, 11:50
Thank you for the replies. Just worried why the doc ordered an ECG. I guess it is just procedure. Nervous of the test and results!

19-01-19, 12:36
Thank you for the replies. Just worried why the doc ordered an ECG. I guess it is just procedure. Nervous of the test and results!

Any chest pain, unless you can provide evidence it's not (like you broke a rib) is investigated as a heart concern first, because of the impact of being wrong. If a guy comes in with GERD but you check his heart, the worst that happens is he has heartburn for a few extra hours. But, if you assume a guy has heartburn and you miss a heart attack.....

19-01-19, 17:21
absolutely. As other posters have said pain in this area is not at all uncommon. My HA over costochondritis has even managed to give me breathlessness as a symptom.

It really is awful. I am trying to live with/get over the !!@!## disease, having suffered with it for around 15 months. Its probably gone from a pain score of 6 - 8 to 2-4 so maybe I am on the right path. I hope this gives some reassurance.

bin tenn
20-01-19, 04:06
Any chest pain, unless you can provide evidence it's not (like you broke a rib) is investigated as a heart concern first, because of the impact of being wrong. If a guy comes in with GERD but you check his heart, the worst that happens is he has heartburn for a few extra hours. But, if you assume a guy has heartburn and you miss a heart attack.....

Yes, exactly. Things like this are done often, from what I've seen/experienced. I one went to the ER with chest tightness ("inside" my chest). They even wanted to do a chest x-ray, despite the clear EKG. I declined, because by that point I calmed down and accepted that it was reflux. They also check troponin levels at the ER (at least here) when you present with chest pain/discomfort, even when you acknowledge that you sometimes have bad bouts of reflux.

20-01-19, 17:07
Yes, exactly. Things like this are done often, from what I've seen/experienced. I one went to the ER with chest tightness ("inside" my chest). They even wanted to do a chest x-ray, despite the clear EKG. I declined, because by that point I calmed down and accepted that it was reflux. They also check troponin levels at the ER (at least here) when you present with chest pain/discomfort, even when you acknowledge that you sometimes have bad bouts of reflux.

You are quite correct. When I went to the ER with my costo pain /anxiety mix, they did a troponin, chest x-ray, ekg, echo, and 24 hour monitor. Aside from a slight LVH (not the cause of any of my symptoms), nothing showed serious concerns, but they checked anyway (chest pain, breathing problems, reflux)..

bin tenn
21-01-19, 02:31
You are quite correct. When I went to the ER with my costo pain /anxiety mix, they did a troponin, chest x-ray, ekg, echo, and 24 hour monitor. Aside from a slight LVH (not the cause of any of my symptoms), nothing showed serious concerns, but they checked anyway (chest pain, breathing problems, reflux)..

Yep. I spoke with my doc recently about some mild symptoms I've been having. Not severe and not seemingly dangerous, but heart related nonetheless. She suggested an EKG when I go for my physical in July, and possibly a Holter monitor. These are things I've experienced for several years now, no change, but she still insists on keeping a close watch, with family history. But I know she's also covering her own arse as well.