View Full Version : Is anyone up I need help

19-01-19, 00:50
It's 2 40 am and i have woken with a fever of 37.8 😔 thing is I had a cold virus 2 weeks ago which I have only judt got over but it seems now I have a dry cough and a temperature. I'm so bad with Being unwell I just took 1 paracetamol as I'm.scared to take two I have a phobia with meds and I know most can understand. Will 1 tablet reduce the fever ? And why am I unwell again I am on my own really worrying guys...thank you for your help.

---------- Post added at 00:50 ---------- Previous post was at 00:43 ----------

Anybody please!

19-01-19, 01:00
That is a really low fever, right? (I live in Farenheit land so I'm not sure but think 37.8 is like 99 or 100.

There is no reason to reduce that. There is a thought that allowing the fever actually kills the virus faster since viruses tend not to do well in higher heat.

It is that time of year when viruses are going around. It's not strange to pick up bugs several times in a winter. I get sick constantly in winter, but I do have 3 kids who bring stuff home constantly. If you are a student and live in a dorm, that would also be a risk. If you work in a hospital, if you work at a school, the list goes on and on.

Try not to focus on being sick, just focus on slight improvement everyday. I know HA is different for everyone, but there's no reason to be scared of common sicknesses that everybody gets.

19-01-19, 01:04
Thank you very much for replying..i suppose my normal body temperature Reads around 35 so for me this seems so high, and my cheeks are bright red, basically I'm really working myself up...really appreciate your reply Thank you x

19-01-19, 01:17
As NervUs said, that fever (100.04 in F) isn't even considered a fever in adults. I think doctors don't consider it a true fever until 100.4. It could just be that you are a bit warmer in your sleep or your body is just working a bit harder to fight off all the winter germs since you've just been sick. Try to sleep and I bet you'll be feeling better in the morning!

19-01-19, 01:31
Aw thank you. You both have calmed me down alot and I feel like such a baby, but thank you again ��

19-01-19, 10:16
I am sick my self stuffy nose, chills, fever of 100 . Did you know normal body temperature can range from 97 to 99.5 if it goes to 100.4 you have a low grade fever . But nothing serious

19-01-19, 19:15
Sorry to hear you are unwell too... well I have been on paracetamol all day but fever creeps up every 3 hours and tablets are not really reducing it which is making me so scared, the paracetamol is keeping me awake probably because of the caffeine....temp was at 38.2 today only dropped to 37.7

19-01-19, 19:25
Do you have any other symptoms. Night sweats, cold sweats for example, or muscular pains

19-01-19, 19:53
Muscular pain yes...and a headache

19-01-19, 21:10
Sorry to hear you are unwell too... well I have been on paracetamol all day but fever creeps up every 3 hours and tablets are not really reducing it which is making me so scared, the paracetamol is keeping me awake probably because of the caffeine....temp was at 38.2 today only dropped to 37.7

What are you scared of? Your body is doing what it's supposed to do if you have any kind of infection.

19-01-19, 21:58
Health anxiety unfortunately makes me think the worst x

---------- Post added at 21:58 ---------- Previous post was at 21:47 ----------

It's just the health anxiety rearing it's ugly head...im not good at being unwell I think the worst unfortunately x

19-01-19, 22:09
Use this time as practice. Keep telling yourself it's only a cold/cough/whatever and it'll be gone in a few days. Use anything (TV, sleep, games, reading) to take your mind off it.

20-01-19, 08:13
get plenty of sleep, drink lots of fluids, do not drink caffeine, you may have a bout of flu or a cold. Aspirin will only knock the fever down for a few hours if you have one longer than four days go to a doctor you may need antibiotics. Also, it takes a full to weeks to really get over a cold, you can have a relapse during that time if you go out and about and are near people that are sick also.