View Full Version : Has anyone experienced shortness of breath with a cold?

20-01-19, 16:49
I've had a cold/upper respiratory infection for about a week now. Symptoms include nasal congestion, sore throat, bad cough. I also think I'm experiencing some shortness of breath but I'm not sure if it's because I'm paying too much attention to my breathing. It seems that the least bit of exertion causes breathlessness and my heart to race.
I'm starting to freak out because according to Dr. google, shortness of breath indicates something more serious such as pneumonia...or even worse. I wasn't worried about pneumonia originally as I don't have a fever and don't really feel sick.
Someone please tell me I'm overreacting about this...

20-01-19, 18:38
You're overreacting :whistles:
I think most people would experience some respiratory symptoms since that's what colds mostly affect.

I think that considering you don't even sound 100% sure you have shortness of breath means you probably don't have genuine, serious breathlessness. The more you focus on it, the worse it will seem. Colds make you feel that way because they make you all chesty and stuffy.

You mention your heart racing when you move - this happens to me and probably everyone else when they've caught a cold. The body has to work a bit harder to fight it off, that's all.

I hope you feel better soon!