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View Full Version : Numb ear. Antibiotics didn't work? Scared!

21-01-19, 17:01
Hi all,

I posted last week about an upcoming surgery I need on my ear: https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=227229

I went to the doctors with an infection and he said I need the surgery for a perforated eardrum. Until then, he gave me some antibiotic ear drops which I took for 8 days like he told me to do.

After 2-3 days, the feeling of water clogging my ear/ fullness went away but I continued to use the drops. Sometimes they were painful, other times not, but it generally got less painful over the course.

I have now been off the antibiotics for 2 days and today my ear feels full again (though not as bad as it was) and numb all around (which it didn't before). When I put my glasses on or brush my hair behind my ear, it feels like when I poke my face after having a local for dentist work.

I imagine that the infection is back and swollen next to the nerve... but it went down when I took the antibiotics :( Did they not work? Is this kind of thing normal? Will this numbness go away? I'm worried it's going to spread to my spine or brain like this :emot-crying:

I have contacted my doctor but not had a response... He doesn't seem to care what I have to say and is very busy (my next appointment is in over 2 weeks time) so I'm trying to find another ENT, but I'm so panicked and can't concentrate on anything! I just want to know if I need to go to ER or something :unsure:

23-01-19, 09:08
Hey. In case this happens to anyone in future... I went to my GP this morning and she told me my eardrum is inflamed again, so I've been given a course of oral antibiotics instead. Hopefully it'll clear in the next week :) I feel a lot better for having gone to the doctors instead of staying at home miserable and getting worse.