View Full Version : 1-2 seconds of dizziness daily-anxiety?

22-01-19, 03:30
First, I have been doing well seeing a counselor and haven’t been on in months. Second, I started a blog to have something to do as a SAHM-I truly believe it has helped me, but I’m wondering if it’s hurting me as far as dizziness goes. I’ve been feeling 1-2 seconds of woozy randomly. A real quick woo and then I’m good. Mostly sitting down, as far as I can tell it’s more phone/tv related. I feel best in the morning. Time spent on my phone has increased with blogging, I do have the stability on and warm tone on my phone as well to help.

Things that have changed over the last month or two: blogging, holiday stress and I’ve been drinking chamomile tea in the evenings to help me sleep. (The woozy happens before the tea.)

I had an ENT appointment and he said there was no fluid in my ears, just “throat drainage.”

Is this anxiety? I have an appointment with my counselor and I have an appointment 2/5 with my primary doctor. I’m trying not to spiral out of control. I have felt this before, but the answer was fluid in my ears. So now I’m panicking.

22-01-19, 15:48
Sitting at a desk using a phone/screen for large portions of the day with 100% cause dizziness. It's mostly muscular.

I work with audio/video and stare at a screen for far too long most days, and I get sporadic dizzy spells all the time. With me it's nothing to do with anxiety either as I don't suffer with it any more.

Try looking straight down, if you feel a weird stretching off your vision and/or tension and feeling 'off' across your shoulders, that's the answer. But if you DON'T feel that, it doesn't mean it's not because of the vlogging either!

22-01-19, 19:59
I went through a period about 2 years before I qualified, posting on here worrying about 1 to 2 second dizziness. I worried it was a brain tumour.

Needless to say, it went away and I'm still here to tell the story.

Good luck

25-01-19, 04:22
Thank you both! My son got a stomach bug. So my appointment is now tomorrow instead of Tuesday as it was scheduled. I’m hoping she can help ease my fears a bit. I don’t want to releapse completely, I’ve come so far.

25-01-19, 23:18
Hey Halle - Long time no see! I definitely think it could be related to being on your phone or computer more often. I do freelance writing and research and whenever I've been looking down at my computer for too long my whole body feels like it's falling apart, haha. If you tweaked a muscle or nerve in your neck it could definitely make you feel a bit dizzy. I also have TMJ that gets worse when I'm working for long periods of time because I tend to clench my jaw when I'm really focused. That can make me dizzy too.

29-01-19, 00:45
Hey ErinKC! Thank you. I have my appointment on Tuesday. Dare I say I’m working myself up over it. My counselor suggested a metaphor for the dizziness. Stating that my life has been chaotic and that maybe it’s time for a much need break to stop spinning. I felt good while I was there, but I’m not sure. If I move my head just right I can make it come on. It’s weird and I’m trying really hard to tell myself if it’s a brain tumor I cannot change it anyway so there is no need to be anxious. Although, you better believe I’m praying it’s not.

06-02-19, 03:43
Saw my primary today. She said 1-2 seconds of dizziness is fine. Apparently it’s common in those who have allergies that come with headaches (even when your dizzy for 1-2 seconds without a headache.) She suggested I begin a normal routine with my Flonase Rx and start an OTC allergy pill of choice. She checked my ears, sinuses, and mouth. All looked good except my right ear. She said it didn’t look bad, but she could see why I would feel a little dizzy. That’s the ear that primarily bothers me.
I’ve felt good the last two days. The weather has warmed up where I live-75-78 outside so I’m not sure if it’s weather related. I’m a migraine sufferer with allergies so maybe she’s right-she’s been my doctor since 2006 so she knows all about my worries. Specifically addressing them herself. I’m praying she’s right. I want to trust and believe her. It’s hard with anxiety sometimes.

08-02-19, 00:05
I was great all day, then I had my camera on on my phone to take pictures of my son doing an activity for my sensory blog and got really dizzy. It freaked me out and I sort of yelled at my husband to grab me a water. I asked for him to take over while I went and laid down for a few minutes and here I am. Is dizziness normal? Do I need another opinion to be checked out for the sinister stuff? Am I letting my anxiety get to me?

My son is about to turn three and lately he’s been a handful. I’m home with him all day and while we do get out and do stuff, it’s been full of tantrums. I love him dearly, but the tantrums and not listening (I know it’s normal for his age) make me very anxious. I’ve been having rough days where I may yell when I’m at mh wits end. I worry that’s a sign of the worst case scenario.

Please help.