View Full Version : List of all ilnesses you were certain you had.

22-01-19, 12:10
I thought this would be a good way to put things into perspective. I only really started suffering from serious health anxiety about 2 years ago but it has been an ongoing problem all my life. Thought this would be some fun, write down all the illnesses over the last few years you were certain you had and what they actually turned out to be, so let me start:

Ovarian Cancer (nothing)
Cervical Cancer (nothing)
Breast Cancer (just a lymph node)
ALS Limb Onset (nothing)
Breast Cancer x2 (another lymph node)
Brain Eating Amoeba (nothing)
Early Onset Dementia (anti-depressants were giving me brain fog)
Lymphoma (just normal reactive lymph nodes)
Stomach Cancer (nothing)
ALS Bulbar Onset (still an ongoing fear and my current rabbit hole)

22-01-19, 12:14
I was absolutely sure I had breast cancer once when I was getting stabbing pains in one breast.

Turned out one of my husband's (very wiry) beard hairs had slipped into my bra and was stabbing me.

bin tenn
22-01-19, 13:21
Lung cancer
Soft tissue sarcoma
Oral cancer
Heart attack / other heart disease

Of course, none of these are true. I only convinced myself I had them because I thought I understood the stuff I was reading on Google. Turns out, I'm not a doctor. :roflmao: I had what I thought were symptoms of each, but I didn't. The "symptoms" I had were very much real. However, the symptoms were not, in fact, symptoms of those illnesses. I just perceived them as such based on what Google said.

22-01-19, 16:14
I have had lots, only certain ones I thought I had were:

High BP
Testicular Cancer
CSF Leak
Sepsis (a few times)
Bladder Cancer or Urethral Cancer
Kidney Disease

Many more 'mini scares', but these have been the main ones.

Currently it's bowel cancer / crohn's / ulcerative colitis. Pretty 'certain' it's one of them.

22-01-19, 18:10
Hmm, let's see if I can remember them all...

-abdominal aortic aneurysm - good old fashioned stomach ache
-pancreatic cancer - irritable bowel
-stomach cancer - GERD/acid reflux/eosiniphilic esophagitis
-ovarian cancer - irritable bowel
-multiple myeloma - muscle pain/chiropractic needs
-bone cancer - muscle pain/chiropractice needs
-leukemia - blood count taken during a panic attack which produced elevated WBC. Next blood draw was fine.
-heart attacks (too many to count) - anxiety, GERD, eosiniphilic esophagitis
-stroke - anxiety/panic attack
-DVT - pulled muscle
-pulmonary embolism - costochondritis/trapped gas
-brain tumor - anxiety, migraine
-breast cancer (I did have dense tissue that a nurse practitioner also felt, so this was actually a legit fear, though I was fine, thank God)

I have never had any of these. What I HAVE had are much simpler, more rational explanations (GERD, eosiniphiic esophagitis, pulled muscles, costochondritis, and ANXIETY!!!).

22-01-19, 19:57
I've had a few "spin-offs" such as stomach, bowel and pancreatic cancer. However, these are few and far between.

I obsess about brain tumours, namely the dreaded (and very rare) glioblastoma.

Symptoms I've had which I've attributed to this disease:

* Forgot a colleagues name

* Forgot how to spell a word

* Forgot the meaning of a word (yeah, I know!)

* Hairdryer gave off burning smell, but I worried it was actually a temporal lobe seizure

* Saw a flashing light on the window of my house, when nobody was in it. I was stood outside. Worried this was occipital lobe seizure. Two years later, I never found out what caused the light!

* I've had migraines since I was about 4 years old. Sometimes, when I get one, even though it feels exactly as it always had, I sometimes find myself worrying its actually a GBM

* Eyelid twitch

* Deja vu / memory pop

* Hangover nausea (something I'm very au fait with)

The list really does go on, and on. But I'll not clog this thread up with such nonsense!

Good luck

25-01-19, 12:27
Since I found this forum -
Pancreatic cancer
Breast cancer
Bone cancer
Brain tumour

Bit of a theme going on....strong family history of breast cancer so that one's forgiven...

25-01-19, 19:34
Breast and Ovarian cancer
Brain tumour/aneurysm


Stomach ulcers
Heart attack
Dangerous heart arrythmias
DVT/pulmonary embolism

Stroke or TIA

Clydesdale Epona
26-01-19, 00:51
I may not remember all of them I apologise :roflmao:

Appendicitis(turns out to be suspected endometriosis, runs in the family and got all the symptoms. can't get the full diagnosis though because laparoscopy shudder haha)
Pulmonary embolism(Chest pain from forceful breathing because of anxiety )
Ectopic pregnancy (endometriosis)
Concussion/brain damage (several times where I've banged my head, one time the concussion came true and I now know what one feels like :roflmao: )
Broken something (not an illness per say but every little dink adds to a break in my eyes haha)
Chicken pockets (eczema)
Shingles (eczema)
Sepsis (hot flush)
Collapsed lung(don't remember the medical term, had this fear a few times just turned out to be chest pain)
Food poisoning (norovirus, feels just as bad haha!)
There's been more but can't think right now haha xo

26-01-19, 02:56
1. Lung cancer
2. DVT/pulmonary embolism
3. Brain tumor
4. Ovarian cancer
5. Spinal tumor
6. C. diff

And things I though I've been exposed to:
1. Botulism
2. Brain eating amoeba
4. Asbestos
5. Toxic chemicals from insulation
6. Black mold
7. Toxic chemicals from dry wall
8. E. coli
9. Salmonella
10. Hantavirus

26-01-19, 03:24
Ovarian cancer (IBS or just wind, although did have thick uterus lining on one investigation so just had to have a procedure to remove, no issues)
Bladder cancer (just inflammation of bladder)
Brain tumour (blocked sinuses or just anxiety)
Breast cancer (dense breast tissue)
Bowel cancer (again, just IBS or wind)
Spinal tumour (muscular pain)
Melanoma (scratched a mole and made it bleed)
Stomach cancer (nothing)
Appendicitis (trapped wind)
Pancreatic cancer - this is the current fear, current actual diagnosis is pancreatitis but not sure of cause

26-01-19, 10:16
bowel cancer, ibs, or small non cancerous common pouch on small bowel.

testicle cancer

penile cancer

brain tumours

eye cancer

oral cancer

bladder cancer

skin cancer

skin failure

anal cancer

kidney cancer

plus others, even more worrying oral types of cancer females can get even though I am a male

26-01-19, 13:53
There have been many threads like this through the years. While I do feel it can be beneficial to lay out a list and see how none of it has come to fruition and how irrational they are, at the same time, it also has you focusing on them and influenced by other's fears. I just see it as a double edged sword. Most of those responding are still in the cycle of fearing one disease or another.

Positive thoughts

28-01-19, 17:46
Hey Fish, long time no see!

Man, first time on this forum in years, guess things haven’t changed much. It’s interesting how when I am actually going through some benign health things now, I’m not cruising the google machine in search of answers. Some of you may know me, most of you are newcomers, and a shout out to josh if he sees this response (promise it’s my only one for another x amount of years...thought I’d just humor myself for a few minutes as I wait to go in for an mri! And don’t worry anxious peeps, it’s just a routine check for a benign pineal cyst I’ve had for god knows how long).

But here’s my massive list (that I’ve all recovered from when it comes to health anxiety with a lot of patience, talking to senior members on this forum such as Fish and a few other heavy hitters—-listen to them, they’re full of wisdom—-and practicing mindfulness as well as taking my medication as prescribed).

1) MS (nothing)
2) brain tumor x2 (nothing)
3) heart attack (nothing)
4) dissected carotid artery (nothing)
5) impending stroke (nothing)
6) leukemia (nothing)
7) ovarian cancer/cervical cancer (pelvic floor dysfunction)
8) schizophrenia (anxiety and ocd)
9) ALS (the longest and most drawn out of the hypochondriac episodes...a year and a half wasted on fear for nothing).
10) IBDs or Crohns (nothing)

So to all the people reading this thread, the likelihood that you are right is essentially 0%. Listen to your doctors, listen to the people who have OVERCOME health anxiety, and most importantly: don’t listen to the lies your brain is formulating based on an intense reaction to the cortisol pumping through your system.

I’ll see ya in another few years maybe, maybe not. But to all the people that have consistently messaged me during my long hiatus: I’m still alive and kicking, and no you don’t have disease a, b, and c.

29-01-19, 09:27
Lol, I just wrote about this in my book (link at bottom in case anyone wants to buy it :-) Currently it is a mixture of various types of stomach/colon/bowel who knows/ cancer, and/r histoplasmosis (a nasty fungal infection from poultry dust, most likely sinus infection).

This is a list of about 50 years of health anxiety. Each bullet point has the symptom, my diagnosis and what it really was

Bitten by rat - Rabies- Anxiety from rat bite
Bitten by dog- Rabies- Dog bite (dog still alive)
Pins & needles & dizziness- Snake bite (nonexistent)- Hyperventilation & anxiety
Palpitations- Heart attack- Anxiety
Palpitations- Heart attack- Panic attack
Palpitations- Heart attack- PAC (still might kill me!)
Horrible black spot- Merkel Cell Carcinoma- Infected splinter
White mark on foot- Melanoma- Scar
Horrible looking mole- Melanoma- Freckle
Lump on thigh- Sarcoma- Lipoma
Red pee- Cancer- Beetroot
Yellow pee- Cancer- Berocca
Smelly pee- Cancer- Asparagus
Red poo- Cancer- Too much beetroot
Red poo- Cancer- Fell on bum & cut skin
Vaginal bleeding- Cancer- (very infrequent) post-menopausal sex & no lube
Sore ribs & back- Liver cancer- Bad posture & anxiety
Sore jaw- Tetanus- Grinding teeth from anxiety
Sore jaw- Cancer- Tooth infection
Swollen lymph glands- Cancer- Tooth abscess
Lump on arm- Nodular melanoma- Pimple
Lump in boob- Cancer- Fibroadenoma
Back pain- Cancer- Bad posture & anxiety (but the jury is still out lol)
Back pain- Cancer- Lifting a piano!
Back pain- Cancer- Hiking 300km over the Alps and not training
Back pain- Cancer- Falling & twisting back
Chin hairs not growing fast- Something fatal no doubt- Age
Nails with ridges- Something fatal no doubt- Age
Black rings under eyes- Something fatal no doubt- Sleeping with cats
Nasty black spot- Kaposi’s Sarcoma- Cigarette burn
Lump under arm- Cancer- Infected hair follicle
Headache- Cancer- Flu/ Sinus
Headache- Cancer- Red wine
Stomach problems- Cancer- Gas
Stomach problems- Cancer- Zoloft
Wheezing- Adult onset Asthma- Crying whilst running a marathon (was tired)
Couldn’t breathe properly in night- Lung cancer- Panic attack
Diarrhea- Cancer- Anxiety/ Zoloft
Frequent bruising- Cancer- Being clumsy

(What are You Dying From This Week - https://www.amazon.co.uk/What-are-dying-this-week-ebook/dp/B07M8H1DRH/)

29-01-19, 11:31
Mine started at the age of 5...

Brain attack (vertigo panic attack). Was rushed to the ER later that evening. Diagnosed with a panic disorder. Parents were told not to expose me to any negative television.

Brain tumor (saw a episode of ER where a main doctor was diagnosed after getting severely dizzy. I applied that to myself and assumed the dizziness was a brain tumor)

AIDS (thought because I kissed a boy when I was 6 that I had AIDS. I missed 2 weeks of school and 10lbs. Was convinced I was dying)

Fatal Familial Insomnia (saw a documentary on tv. Didn't sleep for 4 days)

Psychosis/dizzy spells/brain cancer

Fatal Familial Insomnia again (5 days)

16-19 was relatively mild. I call it my 'freedom' years.

20: AIDS/Urethral cancer (bled out of urethra after heavy sex. Guy also claimed he slept with 30 women)

AIDS (boyfriend had symptoms of ARS 2 weeks after we first had sex)

Breast cancer/cervical cancer (lump in boob, lump on cervix. I was so freaked out by this that i went from 120 lbs to 95lbs in 3 weeks. I barely ate, slept all day, was on the computer looking it up all night. Ended up being a normal cervix and fat encrusted lymph node in breast.)

Fatal insomnia (1 week and 8 days the next time. Both resulted in hallucinations and paranoia. Resolved itself)

AIDS (white patches in mouth. Normal variation)

26: melanoma of foot and stomach (had a black spot on foot and new mole on stomach)

27: Eyelid cancer / Molluscum Contagiosum (chalazion on lower eyelid for 2 years and dimpled eczema )

ALS (fascics, left arm weakness. Diagnosed BFS)
Fatal Insomnia (didn't resolve for 2 weeks)
Pancreatic Cancer (pain in that area, nothing)
Ovarian Cancer (large ovarian cyst)
Ear canal Cancer (bleeding in ear, resolved)
Malignant Blue Nevus (bleeding nevus on hand, never grew tho)
Stomach Cancer (churning pain, heartburn, burping up coffee grounds. All went away with anxiety)
Peritonitis (pain near appendix. CT showed nothing)
Heart attack (sharp left arm pain, check pain. ER determined gas)
Gallstones (nothing)
Mal de debarquement (Severe bobbing feeling. Occasional oscillopsia. Exasterbated by motion)
Burning skin of unknown cause
Melanoma metastasis (perceived new halo around all my moles)
AAA (actually, my primary requested I get my abdomen urgently checked cause of a visible pulse. It wasnt a previous worry...but it sure was after! Ultrasound the next day confirmed I was normal. It was cause Im skinny)
Neck Aneurysm (pain in neck)
Brain aneurysm (headache for days)
My current worry is CJD (memory issues, speech issues, typing issues, word finding issues, tremors, jerks, weight loss, and Fasics)

29-01-19, 14:01
Brain Aneurysm
Brain tumor
Blocked arteries in neck

all my anxieties focus around the head and neck because I have whooshing in my ear on neck movement. I am seeing a consultant next week so hopefully I can get some answers that may calm down my health anxiety.

11-02-19, 10:19
Brain tumour
Brain aneurysm
Multiple sclerosis
Breast cancer
Pulmonary embolism
Heart attack
Heart disease
Tonsils cancer 😩😩😩😩

That’s over the last 7 years

11-02-19, 13:51
Oh gosh, for me it goes way back...

It initially started with:


My outside cat got rabies and had to be put down. My brother and I didn't go near him and did not have a need for shots; my mother had open wounds on her hand when she changed his water dish so she opted for the shots. She's fine. We're all fine. But that was my first fear (not quite so irrational either at the time) and I waited slowly for my death, begging for the shots, at 15 years old.

Brain tumor:

At 16 years old I began getting insane dizzy spells. Panic didn't help. Inner ear was fine. Brain showed some white matter lesions consistent with migraine syndrome/aura. I convinced myself I was dying and dropped out of college at 18 to "spend the time I had left" with my family. They were less than thrilled :whistles:


Dated someone sketchy and my tongue felt funny. That's it, but that's all it took to spiral super hard down that path.

Colon cancer:

Blood in stool and stomach pains at 23 years old. Got a colonoscopy and upper endoscopy. I'm fine - IBS and hemorrhoids.


It was pneumonia. Actually, 3x. It was AWFUL - but it was not meningitis and I turned out to be just fine (though once I was hospitalized due to lack of fluids and messed up kidneys - pneumonia is no joke, get your shots guys).

Brain tumor (again!):

Got very sick on vacation in California (I'm from NY). Went to 2 emergency rooms, they said it was a stomach flu. I kept shaking. It was clearly from panic; finally got on a plane back home and made it to my neurologist. Which leads me to...


The neurologist found white matter lesions consistent with the ones I had at 16 years old, but in different spots. I was shaking, numb, dizzy, hot, sweaty, tired, sensitive to heat, etc. He said it may be MS. I refused a spinal tap (at 31 years old) and the doc said we could wait for another flare up. Eventually the white matter lesions faded and the doc thinks I may have had encephalitis (super high SED rate - 80 - fell to 30 when I started feeling better months later, symptoms began to slowly fade).

Esophageal cancer:

Trouble swallowing (also a symptom of MS! fun for me, you guys). I'd had it for quite awhile but never noticed until one day I choked on soup (soup!). My husband got concerned and told me to get checked out. Barium swallow later, I'm 100% fine. It's just in my head - when I think about swallowing, I can't swallow. As long as I mindlessly eat, I'm fine.

Pancreatic cancer:

Turned out to be heartburn. :roflmao:


Lipoma in thigh (though this is new and I'm still down a rabbit hole on this one). Also found another lump in front of shin on other leg, but this seems associated with a bruise. I've had it for weeks, but I tend to heal slowly, so I'm not yet worried about it.

Metastatic cancer that has spread to brain, or spinal cord, or mandible - or all three!:

Numbness/tingling in front of left leg - doc took x-ray said I have degenerative disc disease in lower lumbar, which can cause pins/needles in thigh. Also numbness/tingling in jaw/chin (never ever ever look this up). Doc says it's most likely due to anxiety, or dry skin, or even paresthesia from cervical area degenerative spinal issues, but has referred me to a neurologist (my old one retired!) to get an MRI because I am actually an insane person who has called her 2x a week for the past month due to my lumps/tingling.

Also not convinced that the left-sided numbness isn't an MS flare-up and the diagnosis is around the corner.

(also I hate MRIs you guys) :doh:

11-02-19, 16:02
Wow, this makes me feel a lot less alone.

1. All types of cancer (due to strange ache under my rib cage/pains in my back ... eventually, when it had gone on and off for years, I realized it would've killed me by then so just relaxed ... I suspect it was muscular or minor ulcers)

2. Ectopic pregnancy (every time I had cramps or twinges, turned out to be just upset stomach or normal menstrual cramps)

3. Obstetric cholestasis (during first pregnancy because of mildly itchy feet, turned out to be nothing)

4. Molar pregnancy (high HCG during early pregnancy, turned out to be just the amount of HCG my body produces with a healthy pregnancy)

5. Throat/esophageal cancer (due to trouble swallowing, anxiety/tonsil stones)

6. Oral cancer (blood blisters/blocked salivary glands)

7. Ovarian/cervical cancer (short cycles and cramps, turned out to be stress-related cycle changes)

8. Breast cancer/lymphoma (current, due to little moveable lymph node in underarm cascading into finding all sorts of other symptoms, hopefully turns out to be nothing?)

And this doesn't include all the times I've thought a mole or freckle might be melanoma, the times a headache-y week has become a brain tumor, the times normal eczema or acne has become a disfiguring and incurable skin condition ... the times during pregnancy I was sure I'd eaten something dangerous. It comes and goes, but it's always draining when the hypochondria arrives.

13-02-19, 21:08
Brain tumor
Pancreatic cancer
Melanoma (multiple times)
Breast cancer (current obsession)
Bone cancer
Bowel cancer
Liver cancer

Pretty much any cancer you can think of ...

14-02-19, 01:13
Brain tumour
Breast cancer
Skin cancer (multiple worries and current obsession)
Bone tumour
Mouth cancer
Bowel cancer

14-02-19, 08:23
Colon Cancer
Oral Cancer
Lymphoma x 10
Necrotizing fasciitis
Liver cancer
Skin cancer x 10

These are the ones I was 100% i had. No doubt. The HIV one sent me into what i now see as a nervous breakdown.
There have been about 10-20 diseases etc that i was anxious over, without the 100% certainty. More like 50-75%

14-02-19, 10:19
Nodualr skin cancer
Inflammatory breast cancer
Lyme disease
Brain tumour (this was a massive one) had chronic headache for 18 months!
Currently MS which has been going on for two years along side brain tumour.

My symptoms kind of stuck with me tingling, tinnitus, floaters I feel like I just go from illness to illness trying to find the right one to fit the symptoms! I read that most symptoms go away when worrying about illness and then new ones will come and it will something else. Mine just stay around the same which scares the hell out of me cuz I just think it must be something I just havnt found what!

17-02-19, 11:51
Brain tumour (current worry but Drs think its Meinere's Disease instead)

Melanoma (current worry)
Bowel cancer
Vulva cancer (psoriasis patch popped up down there and me being me, I refused to believe it was just psoriasis - which I already had elsewhere)
Oral cancer

17-02-19, 12:19
So my list of non-diseases is the usual one - breast cancer, bowel cancer, melanoma, lymphoma, lung cancer etc. - but this has reminded me of a couple of the ridiculous childhood freakouts I had:

aged 7-8: spontaneous human combustion (no, seriously), after a fire safety class at school

aged 9: rabies, after a minor dog bite, despite living in a rabies-free country

aged 15: pregnancy, despite being a virgin, after some mild clothes-on 'petting' with my then-boyfriend (not an illness as such, but you know what I mean)

I mean, I literally spent a year worrying about CATCHING ON FIRE, which is both sad and hilarious.

24-02-19, 01:25
Few main ones for me:
1. Heart attack (indigestion)
2. Heart failure (nothing)
3. HIV, this used to be a big one for me (nothing)
4. Testicular cancer (nothing)
5. Leukemia (slight bruise on leg)
6. Brain tumours, this is what i'm going through at the moment because I kept having numbness in my left fingers but realised today it was from resting my head on my hand for hours on end whilst on the laptop. Face palm moment.

24-02-19, 09:04
bone cancer
heart attacks
skin failure
kidney cancer
testicular cancer again (up to 30 times at least)

25-02-19, 01:44
Brain Tumor (Stress in my personal life causes ice-pike headaches for weeks and mix with very low iron levels made me very dizzy)
Sinus Cancer (I have chronic sinus issues and need meds for that year round! It can be hard but I get by!)
Bowel Cancer (Ibs and a few different other issues that have mainly been treated!)
Heart issues (Anxiety and muscle issues)
Lymphoma (Oh the mind works over drive)
Skin Cancer (This was caused by my Mam but I got over it within a day! Which is strange for me!)
Ovary Cancer (I have a condition that causes lots of cysts to the point where they don't bother removing them and I'm learning to live with them!)

(Current and only thoughts)
Some strange tumor (sarcoma or something bad) because of a lump currently at the back of my head! So only down to one worry! Which is good for me!
I know it's mad saying this when I listed all these things above and probs have left out! Embarrassing I know

27-02-19, 21:22
Pretty much every type of cancer ever. Soon as I get over the fear of one I begin thinking I have another type, although I manage it pretty effectively through exercise and meditation.

I used to have anxiety about my heart, but I managed to completely get over that. Then after about a year of barely having any anxiety at all I got glandular fever, and the symptoms unfolded in a way that’s pretty unusual for GF but textbook for lymphoma (single large, painless lump in armpit, loss of appetite and night sweats, but no other symptoms of being unwell). Even the doctor thought I had lymphoma. Ever since then my anxiety has revolved solely around cancer, although it is getting better.

29-03-19, 23:53
1. Skin cancer - had mole checked by doctor 2 years ago. He said it was a bit irregular but wasn't concerned. Was meant to get it cut out but I moved away from the area and never received my dermatologist letter. It don't think it's changed in the past 2 years but it still gives me anxiety.
2. Leukaemia - CBC came back fine
3. Diabetes - CBC came back fine
4. Brain tumour
5. Meningitis
6. Lymphoma
7. Sarcoma
8. Sepsis
9. Blood clot in brain due to hitting my head
10. Throat/tonsil/lung cancer - my current fear. Got a sore throat that won't go away and a cough. Seeing doctor on Wednesday. Hoping this will give me some peace of mind but looking at this list I doubt it will!

30-03-19, 00:45
Thank you for starting this thread! <3 It's mind-easing.

30-03-19, 14:23
My HA mainly revolves around brain tumours, so I can list some of the symptoms I've "attributed" to it over the years

1. Hairdryer gave off burning smell; I genuinely worried it was phantom in origin
2. Saw a weird light on the window of my house one night (to this day, there's never been an explanation for it...drum roll...ghosts?) but I worried it was occipital lobe seizure causing visual hallucination
3. Headaches of any variety
4. Forgetting colleagues name
5. Forgetting the brand name of certain drugs
6. Thinking I heard someone say my name
7. Brain zaps
8. The receptionist brought cream round to the dispensary, which had been sent up from the dispensary downstairs. He called my name but I either didn't respond or wasn't there. Worried this was an absence seizure
9. Many things similar to point 8, which I worried were absence seizures
10. Smelling things in dreams (e.g. worried it was a seizure)
11. There honestly are so many, but I can't really remember them all now

I have sometimes worried about other illnesses, but these are short-lived and infrequent.

1. Melanoma
2. Bowel cancer
3. Stomach cancer

This is a weird one. Legs are always cold, never worried because of family history of Raynaud's. Took blood pressure at ankle and my index was a bit low. BP at arm was ~135, at leg it was ~140. (Still within normal limits, but on the low-end, especialyl for a 25 year old non-smoking, non-diabetic male). But this wasn't "medically accurate" in that it needs to be taken simultaneously. Went to GP after I noticed dorsalis pedis pulse was absent. This is almost always a sign of PAD, although this pulse can be congenitally absent. Seeing as I'd never looked for it before, there was no way of verifying for certain that I had it before and it disappeared. GP confirmed the pulse was absent, but told me not to worry (!). I've mainly put this one out of my mind unless/until other pulses disappear...or a limb drops off.

Good luck

02-04-19, 01:36
Brain tumor (after months of chronic tension headaches caused by anxiety)
Fluoroquinolone toxicity (plus assuming I will have the worst possible side effects from every medication I am ever prescribed)
Ear cancer
Lyme disease
E Coli infection

Current obsession is that I will have a stroke or maybe brain tumor again, haven't quite come around to realizing it's nothing!

13-04-19, 20:26

I’ve been obsessed about it for the last year. Currently I am trying to put myself together after a breakdown. Found a small rash on the foot and now on hand and I’m thinking the worst.

14-04-19, 00:09
Lymphoma - had all the “ symptoms “ and no one could have told me otherwise. Wasted 2 years of my life obsessing - that was 8 years ago and I’m still here .

Currently ALS/MS - same routine just hoping it’s not as drawn out as the last fear

25-04-19, 23:27
Right now diabetes trying not to Google symptoms

26-04-19, 09:12
- Currently it's breast cancer - have been here before but what if this time it's real. Am waiting on a breast clinic appointment and so so scared of this new lump
- Brain tumor
- Bowel cancer
- MS
- Cervical/uterine/ovarian cancer. Am also currently in the middle of this one, they found a polyp in uterus and waiting on test results
- Blood clot

I know there's been a few more over the years. It sounds so crazy when you say it all out loud but when you're in the middle of it you just can't see any other explanation for your "symptoms"

10-08-19, 09:04
I had a long stretch from 2017 to this year where I wasn't worried but unfortunately hypochondria is back in full force.

Bladder cancer (turned out to be a UTI, no idea how I got it as it's rarer in males and I wasn't sexually active at the time so I was certain it wasn't an STI. It cleared up in about a week)
Pneumonia (it was bronchitis, which once again cleared up in about a week)
Bowel cancer (turned out to be nothing)
Heart attacks (panic attacks)
Testicular cancer (nothing)
Esophageal cancer (anxiety, went away on its own eventually)
ALS (nothing)
Esophageal cancer again (anxiety caused by being in a place with mostly strangers, I think I've gotten better with that now)
Multiple cancers at once, my body felt like it was shutting down. (stress from the exam season, the pain went away once exams ended)
Brain cancer/tumours (not sure what it was but it's mostly cleared up by now)
We can now add leukemia to the list because of 3 nosebleeds in the last 2-3 weeks lasting under a minute but still there nonetheless.
Bladder cancer (it was a red string that was stuck on the tip of my private area)
Lung cancer (nothing)
Esophageal cancer...again (current worry but hoping it's nothing)

18-08-19, 06:16
Oh lord where to begin:

Cervical cancer - side effects from birth control

Breast cancer- benign growth, common in women during hormonal changes like pregnancy

Lymphoma- regular old reactive nodes

Pancreatic cancer

Brain tumor- tension headaches

Lyme disease- symptoms stemmed from severe anxiety/depression

Lupus- don’t have it, not sure what caused symptoms

Leukemia- benign petechia


Interstitial cystitis- anxiety


MS- I swore I had this for about 3 years...nope

19-08-19, 12:23
Here's mine from 15 years of health anxiety :(

Breast cancer (several times a year)
Ovarian cancer (several times a year)
Stomach cancer (last year due to reflux)
Pancreatic cancer (due to gallstones)
Throat cancer (due to reflux)
Liver cancer (due to spots on my liver that a million tests show are benign)
Skin cancer (benign sun spots)
Toenail cancer (bruise on toe)
Heart problems (before I knew I had health anxiety)
DVT (every time I fly)
Any time I get a bruise!
Lump in thigh (harmless lipoma)
Lump in neck (harmless lipoma)
Lump in mouth (saliva gland)
HIV (after a biopsy taken from an endoscopy came back showing inflammation)
Dementia (after I forgot someone's name in a meeting)
Pulmonary Fibrosis (to be fair, my mum died from it)
Multiple Myeloma (my current worry due to a slightly elevated blood protein result)

The only cancer I don't worry about is bowel cancer. I get screened regularly as my dad and his brother had it so I'm confident that would be picked up early enough.

I also worry about my kids health.

GP tried to put me on anxiety meds but I'm too afraid to take them!

Reading all this makes me realise I need to get back to therapy asap!

20-08-19, 11:38
All the illnesses my mind and Dr Google convinced me I had when I didn't:
-breast cancer
-ovarian cancer
-bowel cancer
-brain tumour
- MS
-bladder cancer
-kidney infection
-heart conditions

And to extend it even more, conditions I was convinced my loved ones had:
-heart conditions
- meningitis
- ovarian cancer
-testicular cancer

I think Google was really the one behind all of this - but my mind can never convince me otherwise.

21-08-19, 16:19
Started 7 years ago with health anxiety:
September 2012/17 years old : my grampa passed away from lung cancer and for me it was the start of health anxiety... Obviously I started with lung cancer... Fear went away on its own
August 2013 /18 years old: breast cancer (went away after a clear ultrasound)
August 2014 was the beginning of the end for me /19 years old: again breast cancer (it went away after Two clear ultrasounds... But these showed slightly enlarged lymphnodes)
August 2015: SM fear (didn't went away even after a neurological exam.. Yes, I started to question doctors, you guessed right)
September 2015/20 years old: after a persistent fever I convinced myself I had lymphoma (remembering my enlarged lymphnodes)
August 2016 : breast cancer again (went away after an appointment with my breast surgeon that assured that my lymphnodes were now fine... So lymphoma went magically away too)
All thoughout 2016/2017 : brain cancer/SM (went away with therapy that cancelled all my symptoms... The power of magic! 😂)
December 2018: 23 years old: breast cancer... Again! Went away on its own
May 2019/current time : skin cancer... Obsessing over a mole that has changed and that I hurt a lot of times "to see better its shape" and still hurts sometimes. Saw 2 dermatologists who looked at it with the dermathoscope and said it was completely normal.
I diagnosed myself (with the help of Dr Google of course) with nodular melanoma and metastasis
Waiting for it to go away too...
As you can see, my health anxiety has taken all my college years, years that won't come back and that I should have enjoyed😭

28-08-19, 00:17
Heart Failure 2015
DVT In leg 2016
Colon Cancer 2017
Pancreatic Cancer 2017
Stomach Cancer 2017
Brain Tumor 2019
Brain Ann. 2019
Heart Attack 2019
Heart Failure 2019
Some kind of digestive cancer once again 2019
And now some type of cancer that is making my arm pit on one side hurt/breast cancer (male cancer)(history of gynecomastia and a finasteride user) - 2019-present

My life is being ruined by this, starting seeing someone for the problem, but lots of work still needed.

28-08-19, 01:14
Thought I've had:
ovarian cancer
bowel cancer
brain tumour
lots of different skin/soft tissue cancers
Kidney Cancer (Okay, this one was for a good reason and had lots of test- probs closet to life issue I had!)
Pancreatic cancer
There's probs more but this is what comes to mind!

I'm still slightly stuck on a heart conditions but otherwise I'm doing well!

29-08-19, 13:40
Could probably fill a book tbh.

currently ALS (which is funny because it seems a pretty common one but I’ve never given it a second though before because of how rare it is)

brain tumor (4 or 5 times) - but I do get incredibly bad thunderclap headaches in the back of my head.
leukemia (3 times)
spinal tumor (twice) - actually do have a slipped disc in my lumbar which has made my left leg go a little bit numb to the touch
pancrearic cancer (3 times)
colon cancer (had a colonoscopy because I did have blood both visible and occult) turned out to be henmeroids
melanoma (so many times)
bone cancer
stomach cancer (3 times)
mutliple myeloma

probably a bunch more that I can’t remember, but brain tumors have been the most consistent. However this ALS fear is most definitely the worst and deepest I’ve been. It’s been a very hard couple of weeks

30-08-19, 13:50
Oh man, my list is a looong one..

Brain tumor
Bowel Cancer
Bowel Obstruction
Pancreatic Cancer
Ovarian Cancer
Stomach Cancer
Oral Cancer
Throat Cancer
Spinal Cancer
Skin Cancer
Bone Cancer
Ectopic Pregnancy

I know there are more, I just can’t think of them. These are the main ones. Most of these were within the last few months.

30-08-19, 15:58
I'm happy that is my first post on No More Panic. Here it is:

Pancreatic Cancer (This lasted for 5 years)
Spinal Cancer
Carcinoid Tumor
Arterial Dissection
Aortic Aneurysm
Kidney Cancer
Adrenal Cancer
Liver Cancer
Bladder Cancer
Colon Cancer

Health Anxiety is a beast. Thank goodness for therapy and caring physicians.

06-09-19, 19:43
Let's see...let's start with what probably began me on my HA path 4 years ago

Testicular cancer (hydrocele)
Diabetes (I drink a lot of liquid)
Stomach cancer (lipoma just below my rib cage...I should talk to my GP about having it removed)
Heart failure/ disease (nothing)
Lung cancer(I just suck at running and breathing technique)
Went quite for a while now we are at my current ones
Stomach cancer again
Esophagus cancer
Bowel cancer
Brain tumor
Thanks Google!

My doctor is going to have me committed

01-10-19, 02:53
• Lymphoma (reactive/scarred lymph nodes on the back of my head due to folliculitis)
• Leukemia (sweating, turned out to be nothing)
• Lupus (facial flushing, sweating, anxiety)
• Diabetes (nothing)
• Bone cancer (shin splints)
• Brain tumor (migraine)
• Stomach ulcers (IBS)
• ALS (benign fasciculation syndrome)
• MS (benign fasciculation syndrome)
• Lung cancer (nothing; anxiety induced shortness of breath)
• Oral cancer (cold sore)
• Pancreatic Cancer (IBS)

Probably way more that I can't remember off the top of my head, but these were the main ones. Thinking back, Im glad I can laugh at myself for believing some of these.

03-10-19, 01:51
Rabies (nothing)
Melanoma (bruises, irregular but stable moles)
Breast Cancer (nothing)
Brain Tumor (headache)
HIV/AIDS (nothing)
Tetanus (nothing)
Labyrinthitis (inner ear congestion)
Meniere's Disease (also inner ear congestion)
Lupus (sunburn)
Schizophrenia (anxiety)
Borderline Personality Disorder (anxiety)
Multiple Sclerosis (nothing)
ALS (nothing)
Creutzfeldt-Jakob (nothing)
Huntington's (nothing)
Appendicitis (ovarian cyst)
IBS/IBD/Crohn's/ulcerative colitis (stress/diet)
The brain eating amoeba thing (nothing)
Type II diabetes (nothing)
Ebola (nothing)
EEE Virus (just a regular mosquito bite)

09-10-19, 20:57
Skin cancer
Tumor on rib bone (going strong over 9 years)
Hiv (yes really)
Brain tumour
Eye tumour
Nasal cancer
Mouth cancer
Bowel cancer
Breast cancer
Cervical cancer

Probably more but that’s all I can think of rn lol

10-10-19, 00:25
HIV (nothing)
Brain Tumour (Sinus Congestion)
Brain Tumour x2 (pinched nerve)
Sepsis (Cold)
Testicular Cancer (nothing)
Ear cancer (nothing probably wax lol)
Leukemia (nothing)
Oesophagal cancer (nothing)
Skitzophrenia (anxiety)

11-10-19, 22:11
1. Brain tumor ( I was getting headaches. Cause was high bp, now they've gone away.)
2. Heart condition ( anxiety attacks)
3. Breast cancer ( this is a rotating one. Especially now it's breast cancer awareness month it's back)
4. Liver cancer ( was having pain on my upper right side. Pain went away in a few weeks.)
5. Melanoma ( it was a birth mark)
6. HIV ( I'm paranoid that every guy is lying to me even if they get tested)
7. Chlamidya ( again my paranoia)
8. Bipolar disorder ( because it get so anxious for sure I thought I had a personality disorder)
9. Gangrene ( I had swelling after a round of steroids for a illness I had, my right ankle was looking a little dark. Turns out it was eczema)
10. Diabetes (because I was peeing a lot. Realize I had been drinking a lot or coffee more often)
11. Oral cancer ( I had a few white patches in mouth. Turns out I had candida. Took the paste and went away in 2 days)
12. Herpes.( I had a Brazilian laser hair treatment and was itching for 2weeks afterwards. I read that laser hair removal could trigger outbreak. Turns out I had a severe eczema. The laser treatment just dried out my skin)

13. Lupus ( I had a temporary condition called ITP which makes your blood unable to clot right. One of the causes is lupus. Was tested for lupus and came back negative)

05-11-19, 12:00
1. Colon Cancer - nothing
2. Ovarian Cancer - PCOS
3. Lymphoma - normal lymph nodes
4. Luekemia - nothing
5. Glabladder stones - nothing
6. Kidney Cancer - nothing
7. Bladder Cancer - nothing
8. Brain Tumour - migraines
9. Blood clot - nothing
10. Breast Cancer - nothing (minor skin infection, cleared up without antibiotics)
11. Lung Cancer - a cold
12. Stomach Cancer - indigestion
13. Skin Cancer - had mole removed (nothing!)
14. Heart Disease or Heart attack (anxiety)
15. MS - still wonder about this one...but nothing.
16. Colon Cancer or IBD - current worry. Having a Colonoscopy on Monday
17. Stomach Cancer - Nausea after eating... current worry.

Wow... I really love stressing myself out. This all the fault of Dr Google! :weep:

05-11-19, 14:01
testicle cancer, still worried about

stomach cancer, throwing up a few weeks ago, bug

tooth cancer, just a bit of plaque on my teeth. deep grooves

15-11-19, 01:54
- Brain Cancer
- Hydrocephalus
- Heart disease
- Throat cancer

15-11-19, 08:25
Rabies ( Currently )
Heart Disease
Pancreatic Cancer

My " Big " ones are ALS and now Rabies, most debilitating ones.
This health anxiety disease of ours really, really bites!

15-11-19, 17:01
testicle and lung cancer are my current two worries again.

lung cancer because I keep coughing, but I got a cold/cough. plus worried it is seccondary as I am still worried baout my testicles. sometimes if it is cold I cannot feel them, but next time I can feel them properly. i am probably feeling them when my testicles are tight

27-11-19, 22:20
Well let’s see 😂😂
Heart attack
Heart failure
A deadly arrhythmia
Brain tumour
Kidney disease
Thyroid cancer (this one I did have)

27-11-19, 22:34
It all started with being worried about herpes when someone I know got it then it progressed....

HIV (progression from the herpes worry)
MS ( close family friend diagnosis- watched him with it, still battling the neuro symptoms that the doc says are anxiety)
Breast cancer (fibroadenoma in pregnancy)
Bowel cancer (roids in pregnancy)
MS again
MS again and again and again

Funny how I might attribute a symptom to MS but others might attribute it to brain tumors/ ALS etc which are all things which I don’t worry about ... HA is so illogical!

28-11-19, 08:02
Brain tumour
Breast cancer
Cervical cancer
Thyroid cancer
Liver failure
Graves disease
Kidney failure
Bowel cancer
Tonsil cancer
Throat cancer

None of these ever got diagnosed but was convinced I had every single one!
What a waste of time but I just cant snap out of it.

28-11-19, 20:28
Since I was 5 after suffering being abused I developed HA. I’m 45 now. I’ve had a good few months and now am having a setback. But here are mine

-not being able to breathe
- lung cancer
- brain tumor
-breast cancer
-skin cancer
- eye growth
- early onset dementia
- ovarian cancer
- stomach cancer
-esophageal cancel
- bladder cancer
- my current fear of a growth in my hand
- bone cancer (knock on wood )
-flesh eating disease

29-11-19, 10:56
Various cancers
Various tumors
Heart attack

15-12-19, 08:18
ooh boy...where do i begin
over the years ive convinced myself that i thought i had:
-brain tumor
-heart issues
-pulmonary embolism (which is a current fear)
-cervical dystonia
-brain aneurysm
-deep vein thrombosis
and so many other little ones that i cant even remember off the top of my head...

11-02-20, 01:45
Lets see:

- Lymphoma (had a moderately palpable lymph node)
- Heart Attack
- Stroke
- Mouth Cancer
- Throat Cancer
- Deep Vein Thrombosis (part of current worry, have one risk factor (oral estrogen))
- Breast Cancer
- Hyperkalemia
- Pulmonary Embolism (related to the DVT worry)

11-02-20, 04:08
My anxiety has been going on so long I probably can’t remember most things I’ve been certain I had, but here goes:

Brain tumor
Multiple Myeloma
Ovarian cancer
Kidney Cancer
Bladder Cancer
Colon Cancer
Stomach Cancer
Oral Cancer
Thyroid Cancer
Vaginal Cancer
Anal Cancer
Heart Attack

Its ironic, in a sad way, that I’ve never worried about lung cancer. No one in my family has ever smoked. Yet, my husband died of nonsmoker’s lung cancer. Even more strange, I’ve worried about so many diseases, and my hubby never had any anxiety about his health. He assumed all his body quirks were normal until he suddenly got very very sick.

11-02-20, 08:19
Listing these to try to make me face up to my health anxiety.
Rheumatoid arthritis
None of these were diagnosed
Currently worried about heart disease and angina, but thinking back I have worried about this before.
Also waiting for a colonoscopy.
Health anxiety draining..

11-02-20, 13:31
Bowel Cancer
Stomach Cancer
Throat Cancer
Thyroid Cancer
Testicular Cancer
Heart Attack
Spinal Tumour
MND/ALS (Current issue which cant break out of)

Theres probably more. Not been diagnosed with any of them.

11-02-20, 16:53
This is going to be a long one:

Lung cancer
Brain aneurysm
Brain tumor
Kidney cancer
Ovarian thrombosis
Heart attack\other heart diseases
Bone cancer
Ovarian cancer
Stomack cancer
Bowel cancer
Multiple aesclerosis
And the latest one, emphysema

02-12-22, 10:34
Over the years I have been scared I’ve had:
- breast cancer
-cervical cancer
-womb cancer
- tongue cancer
-throat cancer
- lip cancer
-skin cancer
- heart attack
-tonsil cancer

I’m sure there are others I have forgotten. At the moment, I am worried about neck cancer and my carotid artery which is tender on the left side.

02-12-22, 14:15
brain cancer - eye twitch for 2 weeks
leukemia - dizziness from a medication
colon cancer - red streak in poop from probably nothing (?)
some kind of cancer - acid reflux
some kind of cancer II - stomach & pelvic pain from too much abdominal exercise (also probably caused the acid reflux?)

02-12-22, 15:09
Leukemia/lymphoma -- turned out to be one wonky lymph node and some itchy bug bites
Eating disorder -- blame health class in secondary school for this one; if you tell a teenager with HA that eating "healthy" only looks one way, they will assume they have a disorder even though they don't!
Heart issues -- nope, just vasovagal stress
Brain tumor -- it's hard to see when it's dark out :roflmao:
Leukemia/lymphoma again -- same wonky lymph node, and did you know if your heat is set too high in winter you will get dry itchy skin?!
DVT -- I tweaked my knee on some stairs
Kidney/Liver cancer -- I was carrying a big textbook everyday in the crook of my arm such that the edge of the book dug into the area just under my ribs. When I stopped doing that, the pain stopped.
Aneurysm fears -- I wasn't getting enough exercise
Flesh eating bacteria -- Papercuts are evil.
Losing my ankle joint -- this one was rational, I had a severe injury which usually (90% of the time...) leads to severe, joint-compromising arthritis within 5 years. But guess what? It didn't happen. I am the 10%.
Pre-eclampsia and/or listeria during pregnancy -- Didn't happen!
Aneurysm again -- it was my post-pregnancy diastasis
Covid, Flu -- So far, so good...
Kidney/Liver cancer again, + pancreatic cancer -- I was eating too much spicy food, and red peppers no longer agree with my stomach the way they did when I was young!
Aneurysm again -- I have thyroid eye disease double vision and eye and neck pain, plus garden variety TMJ
Brain tumor again -- same as above
MS -- nope, just sciatica
ALS/MND -- Nope, just sciatica, thyroid issues, beginnings of arthritis in some small joints, and ridiculous stress

This Forum helped from 2008 or so onwards, convincing me each and every time that I would probably be ok. I am forever grateful for you all.

02-12-22, 17:43
This is a great thread - somehow very reassuring as a lot of the same ones pop up all the time!

I've had hundreds (often 2 or 3 at a time:blush: ) but the ones I was convinced of are started with a stroke - I actually had a complex migraine where I lost my speech and feeling down my left side.
Brain Tumour - my migraine was originally diagnosed by the hospital Doctor as a virus, which I didn't believe so I went to a tumour - this is where my HA journey started, only after an MRI was I correctly diagnosed.
Bowel Cancer x2 - Polyp x2
Pancreatic/Stomach/Oesophogeal Cancer - trapped wind/indigestion
Peripheral Artery Disease - numb toe from a nerve issue in my back
Liver Cancer - muscle issue in ribs
MS - Tiredness
ALS - Nothing wrong

When I'm bad with anxiety every single sensation I get, my mind immediately goes to "this could be the start of a terminal illness". And honestly it could be, but the odds are overwhelmingly against it - that's where I need to live!