View Full Version : Hips

22-01-19, 18:32
For the last few days I have had very sore and stiff hips and buttocks.
I have had this before but quite a few years ago.
I’m now 55 and am worried this is arthritis.
I feel that I’m falling apart.

23-01-19, 02:13
Hi there,
I would recommend some gentle yoga and stretching, as well as a visit to a chiropractor! The hips are a very common place, as well as the lower back and pelvis, to experience tightness from the shortening of the hamstrings as people age. You can certainly reverse this, if that is indeed the issue, with yoga and stretching!

26-01-19, 12:18
Hip pain still really bad, right hip feels like it’s pulling when I bend and sore at night.
I’m 55 so know this might be arthritis.
Wish I didn’t stress so much and imagine the worst
Has anyone my age had pain and it’s not bee arthritis..

29-01-19, 16:35
Hip still bad , have made an appointment to see dr but just so worried

04-02-19, 12:12
My hip is still painful , also my knee and my left side.
I’m depressed and scared and just can’t see a way forward.
I had pain in my right hip seven years ago and an X-ray did not show arthritis and it did eventually go away after many months.
I have pain in my left side , I do have ibs.
I’m 55 and feel sure this is arthritis.
My parents are elderly and I feel that I’m wasting the last years of their lives by worrying about my health.
I am in pain though !

04-02-19, 12:51
I understand that pain and discomfort are unsettling but what’s the problem if it is arthritis? A good number of people in my family have arthritic changes and one who’s had bad arthritis for the last 20 years. None of them live any differently.

I want to make clear I am NOT saying you do have arthritis I’m just asking why you feel this is something to be so worried about?

Positive vibes,


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05-02-19, 03:48
Are you female, the reason I am asking is that females going through menopause will have joint pain that feels like arthritis.

06-02-19, 14:33
Sorry to keep posting
I just can’t take anymore
My hip pain is slightly better , but I’ve got crampy pains on my left side.
I do get ibs but now thinking it’s diviculitis.
I have dr appointment in a couple of weeks.
It’s just unbearable being so scared all the time !

06-02-19, 14:39
How did you end up with diverticulitis?

06-02-19, 15:03
I know you can get left sided pain with it.
I am also aware that I’m jumping from one illness to another - not good.

06-02-19, 15:04
Did you find that on Google? I have it and don't get any pains.

06-02-19, 15:08
Yes !!
My health anxiety is very bad at the moment.

06-02-19, 15:13
Don't make it worse by Googling. It always ends badly and you could be using the time for something fun instead.

06-02-19, 17:16
My hips hurt half the time and I am only 48. I always just assumed I was getting old. Getting old isn't for wimps, as the old joke goes. ;-)

Hang in there!

16-02-19, 10:40
Now have pain in both hips and knees.
This is too much.

16-02-19, 11:39
I'm 42 and I get sore hips and knees (I'm carrying way too much excess weight, though). It's horrible, but you can mitigate if you're that way inclined. A good physiotherapist should be able to help, but I'm guessing you'd have to go private.

If you live near an FE college that teaches sport courses, though, you'll likely be able to get physio from the trainees at a fraction of the price.

16-02-19, 11:46
Sorry to hear you are in pain PB. I have terrible HA at the moment so not judging here.......but like midnight mouse I am a bit perplexed why you would be so worried about arthritis? I mean the pain is a nuisance of course but it isn't terribly harmful. I have it myself (I am middle aged) and it doesn't interfere that much with my life. I don't want to in any way make light of your fears, I am just trying to figure out why you are so worried?