View Full Version : I'm really going down the drain. Relate?

23-01-19, 15:48
I haven't worked in over a month, furloughed. I spend my days doing nothing but sitting in libraries, church, a food market, mall. Im pretty introverted, and haven't had much of a social life since no work.

I was sick last month over and over, went away, came back, went away.

Now every time I eat something I get phlegm in my throat or a runny nose.

I get weird body chills where Im sitting and I suddenly feel cold. I lose my breathe easily, legs and arms are achy, my calves have been firing off like crazy the past day.

Brain zaps. Waking up unrested. Woke up the other night out of breathe momentarily....but last night I was fine.

Not sure if its related but I have a slight mold problem in the back of my van. It smells terrible after it rains or snows, but I spray vinegar and open windows and it goes away.

In the beginning of all this I decided to try intermittent fasting. I skipped breakfast, and just felt miserable. Now I eat regularly, usually eggs for breakfast and I cough up immediately after.

Havent been to the gym in weeks either. Just feel too exhausted to do anything.

I know what stress and anxiety feels like because I've had it my whole life. But I've never felt this bad before. Actually I was always pretty healthy during winter, rarely got sick.

23-01-19, 15:56
What sort of help are you getting right now, Baz?

23-01-19, 17:17
Mmm nothing. I don't see a psych anymore, haven't been on meds in ages, haven't been to a doc in years either. If my healthcare was universal, I'd probably be at the hospital everyday lol

23-01-19, 17:26
Would you be able to access a primary care physician, at least?

23-01-19, 22:21
There is a bad cold virus going around, I have it and doing the same thing you are, don't drink caffeine or eat sugary foods that will increase the mucus more give it 10-15 days and it should go away.