View Full Version : Need Advice on whether to up or not.

23-01-19, 19:46
Ive been on 20mg Citalopram for 8 years now. It was a God send. But this past September I had bad relapse of Anxiety. I spoke to my Doctor and she told me to up it 30mg. I did. I had some great days and weeks. But Im also on my 5th Blip. These blips are lasting a week. I spoke to her again yesterday and she said to up to 40mg. Do you think this will help. I know blips are part of the recovery process. Im just scared to go up again and still have blips. :weep:

27-01-19, 09:54
I had the same issue, the blips will pass they always do 100%, but if it was me i would go to 35 (break a pill in half) and take it from there as the 35 will do you no harm but might just be the dose you need,
I promise if you done nothing and stayed on 30 in 2 weeks you will be fine if you can just ride it out, worse thing about anx is you will by default think the worst ie these have stopped working etc etc and its not the case,
Stick with it you will be fine as i was