View Full Version : Back from Holiday and Feeling Grim

03-09-07, 13:54
Just had a great week in Cornwall with my husband and two children, it was relaxing and hard work as family holidays are but I was feeling good. Started packing up to come home on Saturday night and after a week with no panic and hardly any anxiety it started again. I'm back to work tomorrow, I work part time and I am struggling with the continuous feelings of anxiety and my kids are driving me insane and I know it's not their fault.
On holiday I thought that I was better, I wasn't prepared for it to be here waiting for me. If only I could be on holiday for the rest of my life, I would be fine!! I know it's not that simple I just feel really disappointed.


03-09-07, 14:08
Aw hun..sorry you are feeling so down.It is pants that!I often wonder why this happens too:shrug: i adore cornwall and go every year..i walk for miles and sleep like a logetc..then come home and BANG it starts again..wierd or what..i sometimes use visualisation to help me ,,i see myself in cornwall doing what i love best ,staring at the sea:D and it does calm me ..maybe you could try that hun:flowers: where did you go?I am going on the 6th of oct.:D Tintagel is where we stay:D oh the mystery and the beauty..one day we must go and live there hey hun:hugs: feel good again soon.Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

03-09-07, 17:08
yes i am the same way went on holiday for a week and felt so much better. as soon as i got home the anxiety started up again and i felt really down for about a weak after. i feel the same way i would love to be on holiday for ever. i think upon coming home its down to reality again.