View Full Version : Feels constant now ...

24-01-19, 09:02
I have my own health anxiety worries but you ever just feel bogged down with worry every day? Like, this will never end and I’ll always be thinking I have cancer or the dr missed something? Never reassured and always doubting? Feeling like that now and it’s tough to find happiness some days. Always break apart the happy moments with negative thoughts and doubts. Lately it’s reflux and convincing myself tablets aren’t working and I’ll get cancer of the throat despite 2 endoscopies a few years back all clear and a chat with gastro doc a year back.

How does it get better? :-(

bin tenn
24-01-19, 13:02
Lots of practice, especially of acceptance and mindfulness, helps greatly. Consider giving therapy a try. Medication isn't always necessary, but it's an option to keep open as well.