View Full Version : Is it possible to collapse with fear?

24-01-19, 09:33

I woke up this morning to my dogs non stop barking.

I came down and there was a bird flying around in my kitchen.

I am terrified of birds.

I tried to be super brave and open the door to let it out but it kept on flying towards me.

It flew at me and I crouched down to avoid it, I ended up on the floor.

I dont know whether I lost my balance or whether I collapsed in fear - my legs and arms felt very strange.

Is it possible to collapse from fear?

I have taken a diazepam but still feel shaky and of course, am now worrying incase it was something sinister going on in my body and yes, I do have severe health anxiety and bruied knees now :blush: My arms and legs feel a bit tingly still.

24-01-19, 09:43
Absolutely possible, yes. Fear makes you shaky, clumsy and definitely tingly.

Of course you panicked, but you're going to be okay.

24-01-19, 09:47
Ah thank you so much for replying so quickly Blueiris.

Much appreciated :hugs:

24-01-19, 09:47
Yeah it's called feinting.

It's the third component to the flight or fight response, but they actually call it 'freeze'.

It's nothing to worry about.

24-01-19, 10:07
Thank you for the reasurance ankietyjoe xx