View Full Version : Is single strands of hair coming out something to be worried about?

24-01-19, 16:13
I'm a guy and my hair is short, but long if that makes sense. My fringe comes down to my nose, but I slick it back

But basically what I've noticed is if I run my hand through my hair I will occasionally pull a single strand of hair. Never any clumps or anything, but it's happened enough today where I'm thinking should I be worried?

The thing is as well I don't think it would even happen if I didn't stop putting my hands through my hair but I'm finding it hard to stop now :wacko:

I know hair loss is bad though so idk

24-01-19, 16:23
We all lose strands of hair all the time, it's perfectly natural. They're then replaced by new ones.

I just tried it now and had about six strands come out (disclaimer: my hair is long, thick and tangly)

24-01-19, 16:27
The average person loses 50 -100 hairs a day, its part of the renewal cycle and their usual pattern. Entirely normal. When I was a younger woman with long hair, it was usual to find a handful at the end of each day stuck to clothing. lol

24-01-19, 18:24
My hairs cover the house lol Mine and the cats haha

24-01-19, 20:10
I'll reiterate what others have said.

I'm a male with the thickest hair (people honestly liken it to Elvis') and I shed hair all the time. It's normal to shed anywhere from 50 to 100 a day, and in some people this can be more or less.

The only thing is, as a male, if you are experiencing heavy loss, this could be a sign of male pattern baldness.

If you're worried you are thinning with male pattern baldness, see a dermatologist and inquire about Finasteride.

As an "insider", I'll tell you now not to waste your money Minoxidil shampoo or caffeine shampoo. The benefits offered by them are very minimal at most. To be blunt, you may as well take your money out and use it to shampoo your hair and watch it go down the drain!

The bottom line There's nothing worrying or serious going on here.

Good luck