View Full Version : Flu and incredibly thick mucus that blocks my airways so that i can't breathe

24-01-19, 16:22
Hey everyone!
One of my biggest health anxiety worries has always been about breathing. The worse it's even been is the typical 'feel like you can't breathe' because of anxiety/panic attack etc which im pretty much fine with now.
However i suddenly got the flu on monday evening - I have mild neutropenia but found out today after my mandatory blood test that my neutrophils are fighting back :yesyes:
Now I can deal with the flu symptoms sure they arent pleasant but I always get anxiety surrounding blocked nostrils i just don't like not being able to breathe properly. Well this flu has taken it a whole other LEVEL as mutliple times now the extremely thick unreachable mucus in what feels like my throat/makes a wheezing noise occasionally down my lung area has been attempted to be cleared either voluntarily or involuntarily by cough only to have it get stuck, clogging my airways and causing me to not be able to physically breathe for a few seconds. I am gasping for air and can't get any air in my straining lungs and sometimes cant even cough to try and clear it. Needless to say its been the most frightening experience of my life. It has been better today only getting stuck for a split second but it has literally left me terrified. I spoke to the doctor earlier and he said that its typical of flu and to do steam inhalation and take (though i dont know whether he mistook me for saying i couldnt breathe in my nsoe rather than my lungs and i also asked my paramedic cousin who said it is terrifying but that your body will always kick in if it were get to a bad level. Despite this I am still petrified that it's going to happen again and I won't be able to clear it. I have only had flu once before in my life but I have had a few colds recently and while I usually suffer with mucus when I get a cold its never been anything like this. Guess I just really use some reassurance that I am being silly and I should listen to the paramedic/ if you guys have ever had anything like this?
I haven't slept a wink because everytime i lay back even a little it begins to settle and makes me feel like I have to cough - which I am also now petrified of because when I do is when the getting stuck happens.
Thanks so much for any help you can offer!

24-01-19, 20:37
Oh this is the worst. I feel your pain. Your doc has great advice, maybe try some spicy food or Vicks vapor rub might help as well.

I hope you get to feeling better soon!

25-01-19, 07:12
Hi there i understand what you're going through.
I have been off work all week with flu and im suffering with nose and throat getting blocked with mucus.
This makes it difficult to sleep as when i lie down in bed i get tickles in my throat and feelings of mucus running down back of throat. It gets very tiring having to keep coughing up the mucus to clear my chest / throat.
I haven't had flu badly for years and im trying really hard to stop my hypochondria and health anxiety going crazy.

I hope you are feeling better soon.
Best wishes

27-01-19, 04:09
getting over this myself its making the rounds and will take about ten-fourteen days to clear up, rest, fluids etc.

27-01-19, 16:08
I keep focusing on different symptoms and worrying about them, thinking the worst.
I got into such a panic last night thinking there was something wrong with my chest, lungs breathing that i went to a&e. When i got to having the initial check the practitioner said i was fine and to see my gp / a pharmacist on monday to ask about treatments to relieve my cold symptoms. I got home and managed to get about 4 hrs sleep.
My anxiety level has been building again today.
I dont know why this has come back over a simple cold. My daily life seems really difficult at the moment and i would love to know how i can get through this so i can get back to work.

27-01-19, 18:19
Ask your doctor for a script for Carbocisteine. This will help with the mucus terrifically.