View Full Version : Back/spine pain - does anyone else have something like this?

24-01-19, 19:09
My health anxiety is going crazy the last month or so. it started (this time) in early December when I noticed a pain in my upper back kind of between the shoulder blades and right in the centre on my spine. it is a little tender to the touch but mostly it just is a burning ache most of the day. I've had days where it's not bothering me but those days seem to be few and far between lately.

I have been to a chiropractor and a massage therapist and they both said that it feels like my spine is out of alignment - neither have been able to "fix" it.

I am trying to be rationale by telling myself that it has been almost 2 months now and at least it isn't worse (or maybe it is a bit)? Idk anymore.

I did see my doctor right before Christmas about this and a few other things - she brushed off the back pain as being muscular but I really don't think it is because the pain is right on my spine. When I saw her then she ordered blood work - all the standard stuff CBC, kidney, liver function etc. It all came back normal but my inflammatory marker was slightly elevated (she wasn't concerned).

So now here I am on Jan 24 and this is still bothering me. I have an apt to see my GP next Tuesday and will ask for further blood tests and also an xray of my spine. I am terrified but I know this has to be done.

Has anyone else out there had nagging pain in this area that has just eventually gone away even after a couple of months with it?

Having terrible anxiety over this - was shaking in the middle of the night when I woke up and lots of crying too. aaaaaaaccckkk