View Full Version : Worried about serious illnesses

24-01-19, 21:36

So basically I have been struggling with being completely exhausted and having no strength for a while now. My leg muscles ache as if I have run a marathon even if I so much as stand. I feel like they have no strength to walk far and I have almost collapsed a couple of times because I was so out of breath. Before Christmas, I had a couple of blood tests and it came back low in vitamin D and moderately low in vitamin b12 and folic acid. I have finished the vitamin D tablets now. And I had an injection for b12 and have been on the tablets for that and folic acid for around 3 weeks now and I feel no better. I just worry it may be something serious like cancer causing the fatigue. Plus the back of my throat looks like it is covered with white patches. I have had tonsilitis before but this looks different and it is not just on my tonsils but down the back of my mouth as in behind my tongue as well. I'm scared I might have mouth cancer. It looks really bad. I'm going to make an appointment to see the doctor tomorrow but I am really really scared that it might be serious.