View Full Version : Return of Massive Anxiety

25-01-19, 03:35
I suffered from panic disorder for years before I knew it was a condition. All I knew is that I was suffering tremendously and there was no relief. Just one day out of the blue I had a panic attack, then another, then another. They happened all day every day. I walked and stuck to a strict schedule and that was the only way I could hold it together. I would literally pace up and down my driveway from the time I got up until almost bedtime...every...single....day. I didn't leave my property for 2 years.

Finally, I got help from a doctor and I moved out of the area.

I then was fine for several years with only the occasional attack. Once given Ativan and explained that this was an actual condition, I had a normal life for several years. I got married and we had a baby (now 2) and I was extremely happy.

Then my mom was diagnosed with lung cancer. She is stable now, praise God.

We moved to a more remote area to be near my family about 1600 miles away, only to realize that in doing so I've managed to bring back frequent anxiety attacks and overwhelming fear that haunts me daily.

That's ultimately what has led me here to the forum.

25-01-19, 03:49
Hiya Fitzkissa and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

25-01-19, 21:38
Hi fitz,

You conquered it once, you'll conquer it again.... and in the meantime we'll be here to listen!