View Full Version : Funny feelingin chest like heart is goin to stop and i am going to pass out

25-01-19, 10:17
HI all, I have been suffering with anxiety, panic and palpitations - ectopic beats, fluttering. I had a good week and then back to it again.. I keep getting this feeling like my heart has stopped and I am going to pass out it comes over me, then I panic and then it starts racing and I then I panic more... I don't know if his is anxiety or my heart. I have a 12 day monitor at the moment which I take back this week. I feel like I am just going further and further down and I feel so alone with it. I am struggling at work as well..thank you for your time

25-01-19, 10:19
I'm really sorry, Sammie, that sounds absolutely awful. I hope everything works out for you soon.

25-01-19, 15:34
These fluttering, missed beats etc, when you have them do you get the urge to cough? And if you do does coughing get rid of them and steady everything back up.
If so, I've had this for as long as I can remember. It doesn't worry me in the slightest. Mine isn't anxiety related because my heart is one thing my anxiety doesn't affect. But I do get these heart flutters etc and I'm no spring chicken, so not serious.

25-01-19, 15:37
Thank you for your responses.. I was hoping someone could shed some light on it.. I have tried coughing but it doesn't always get rid of the feeling. I have been to see my CBT therapist today she thinks the feeling is anxiety but I am still worried.. Its always in your mind, can this just be anxiety? ..:unsure:

25-01-19, 15:39
I've had these on and off for years; they're not pleasant, but I've never found any evidence to suggest they're anything other than harmless.

Not sure how much you normally consume, but maybe cut back on the caffeine?

25-01-19, 16:22
Oh its not the flutters that give me that feeling it is something different.. I don't have any caffeine I cut that out ages ago.. I don't drink a lot or smoke and I am slim. I am sure it is anxiety as it manifests itself is so many different ways. I have a heart monitor on at present which I take back next week and hopefully get to see the consultant for reassurance soon.. Thanks for your kind responses this site is so supportive!

27-04-19, 23:07
Hi just looking through your post and realised that you have not been back on since your reference to 12 day heart monitor, did you get the results back and hopefully they were ok

29-04-19, 13:38
Is the feeling like a "drop" feeling? I've had these feelings for years and would often confuse them with the feeling like my heart is beating very slowly, or has stopped. I too have ectopics. It's always anxiety. Remember, a panic attack can happen in an instant and it can wash over you with feelings of intense fear, tingling, sweating and impending doom. The fact your heart hasn't stopped, and it speeds up when panicked, is likely a good thing. I hope your test results come back all clear.