View Full Version : Advice needed

03-09-07, 16:09
Hi all. Not been on for awhile. Have just returned from a weekend break in London. Went to see Grease. Absolutely no problems. Went to see my mum who I haven't seen for 13 years and we went out to lunch. Again no problems. I've just gone to go out on my own and started shaking. I got in the car started the engine and couldn't move. It was like I'd forgot how to drive. Am now sat here in a right state. I don't have the courage to go to my GP. I don't have anyone to talk to. I feel like I'm going mad. I've felt fine all day until I went to go out. And now I feel stupid because I am sat here with tears in my eyes.

Sorry everyone. I'm just a wreck at the moment.

03-09-07, 16:21

I do not know how much i can help as i have never had a panic attack but i do know what it is like to be a wreck with my HA. It sounds like your weekend has just drained you and you have no resources left and are having what my lot term a blip. Think about the weekend and all the positives and try not to let this get to you too much as it is a blip. Thats my way of coping anyway. Take care and do not be sorry as talking is what this is all about.

03-09-07, 16:22
Hi Knightbabe,
i know where you are coming from.
I too have really good days where you achieve a hell of alot then out of the blue it all falls apart with no trigger or any apparent reason.you feel a failure because all you have done seems to not have made a difference and you are back to sqaure one.
But this is not the case.All that has happened is just a bad time and if you treat it as that, the anguish will fade and you will be able to look at what you have done and say to yourself "HELL YEAH, I DID DO ALOT".
Give youself a pat on the back for what you have done and don't berate yourself for one hiccup.


03-09-07, 16:28
Hi knight babe

please don't sit feeling sorry for wanting to talk, why do you think we are all here? anyone can sit at home in tears but you knew you could let it all out here without judgement, so keep your head up high, you did absolutley wonderful at the weekend and i agree that this is just a blip and you are not back to square one, just out weigh what you did yuo went out many times, and you couldn't once, the odds are in your favour

feel better my love


03-09-07, 19:31
You're not going mad. :) You did well going to London maybe it has all just caught up on you. I think you should go see the doc though (I can talk I'm having a major panic over a pain and I won't go).

Btw I think I know you from another forum (don't freak out I'm harmless). :winks:

04-09-07, 09:19
Thankyou for your kind words. This morning I have rung the GP. I was so scared of going. But the receptionist was very understanding and has arranged a telephone consultation for me in a few hours. I'd already rung my mate to see if she was available to accompany me but she is out all day. It's times like this that I wish I had more friends or some family around me. My family live 120 miles away. I'm mad with myself more than anything. I just need to wait and see what the GP says. Once again thankyou all for your words.

04-09-07, 12:32
Have had a phone consultation with my GP. He say's it is panic attacks. Due to me meant to be starting a new job which involves driving he can't put me on tranquilisers. So he's prescribing anti-depressants. Don't know which ones as yet. He's arranging for it to be sent to my local chemist. He was very understanding. I was expecting to be told to just get on with and get outside. He asked if anything had happened prior to it all starting. Told him about my mother in law and my miscarriage. He said it's my mind defending me from any more hurt. He's going to ring me in a week to see how I am doing.

04-09-07, 13:43
Well done for phoning. :) I needed my sister to go with me when I first had one 4 months ago. I couldn't walk there and I couldn't even say my name to the receptionist I thought I was having a heart attack in the surgery! :blush:

04-09-07, 13:53
Thanks. Feeling a bit better now that I have spoken to GP. Should have done it before now.