View Full Version : Getting signed off work/ anxiety relapse

Flying Stars
27-01-19, 13:35
Hi all

So just looking for a bit of advice. Over the past year I’ve gone through a period of huge change. I left my job, relationship and moved to another part of the country. My job job doesn’t fulfil me and despite working with lovely people I feel I’ve lost who I am and my confidence and feel quite isolated. On top of that I’ve developed an obsession with my weight - counting calories, restricting then binging.

I see a therapist who helps a lot with past trauma, and on the outside to anyone it wouldn’t look like I’m struggling at all. I can manage my job, my flat, car yet feel like I spend a lot of my time not liking myself and crying and longing for what used to be a couple of years ago.

For a while I’ve felt like I need to sign off work just to come home and get a sense of who I am again. Not saying home would be the answer though, as there’s a lot of grief from my old life there, but just wish I could feel normal again.

Not sure what to do or if any of the above warrants me getting signed off? My therapist says I’m in a very confusing place at the minute as my energy isn’t fully in the new place nor at my home.

Any advice would be helpful! X

27-01-19, 14:18
If you are able to continue working whilst in therapy do try to hold on to it. Speaking from personal experience, being signed off work for anxiety wasn't able to help me. I spent most my time not going out anymore and because I'm not working I'm focusing more on the anxiety than if I had the distraction. It's also made it harder for me to leave the house.

I do understand the place you are in though and know how difficult it can be to carry on whilst struggling. I'm sure the doctor would sign you off based on what you described. If you do though, use the time wisely and try not to stay away from work for too long, because it just makes it harder to go back in.

Please do familiarise yourself with your companies policy on long term sickness as well. Because I ended up with two long term sicknesses within a 6 month period, my company are putting me through a dismissal process because I have no set return to work date as my recovery is a bit up in the air.

What does your therapist think about taking the time off work? You have to do whats best for you at the end of the day. Health comes first.

Flying Stars
27-01-19, 15:50
Thanks, I agree that deep down I think it’s best to stay in work as I can handle it - just the inside struggle that gets me down and that I want to run back to where I used to feel comforted and loved in my old life, but also need to realise that those people aren’t there anymore, so probably the grief that’s driving me in that respect.

I haven’t told my therapist about signing off as will be a couple of weeks until I speak to her again, but I feel she wouldn’t advise it as going back to work would be a hell of a lot harder with it being so far away from home too.

I think I need to be clearer with people about where I’m at mentally instead of putting up a front all the time. My boss is very old fashioned so don’t think he’d be too good with mental health things but my work colleagues are nice.

Sorry to hear that being signed off wasn’t the best for you - I can totally see that point of view as well.

30-01-19, 06:11

I would recommend staying in work if you can.

Can you work from home or lighten your duties?

If it gets too much then don’t worry about getting signed off either

Are you getting to work ok ?