View Full Version : Subungual squamous cell carcinoma?

28-01-19, 01:09

About a year ago I noticed a wart on my second toe (the toe next to the big toe) this wart surrounds the fingernail and it also takes over part of the nail bed. when i first saw it i didn't think much of it until i randomly decided i wanted to treat it with the good o'l Duct Tape remedy. while looking up the effectiveness of duct tape on a wart on the nail i came across a website that said Sublingual warts have the potential of turning into "subungual squamous cell carcinoma." immediately I freaked out and started googling like crazy only to fuel my anxiety that much more.

what are the chances that a subungual wart will turn into cancer? i read online that it is rare and typically happens at around age 50+ ( I'm only 25) but aside from that there really isn't very much information on it. everything else on this website only covers nail melanoma which i find odd since Squamous cell carcinoma of the nail bed is more common than melanoma.

28-01-19, 02:01
immediately I freaked out and started googling like crazy only to fuel my anxiety that much more.

You don't say!

If you're concerned go see your dr., in the mean time STAY OFF GOOGLE.

28-01-19, 03:31

About a year ago I noticed a wart on my second toe (the toe next to the big toe) this wart surrounds the fingernail and it also takes over part of the nail bed. when i first saw it i didn't think much of it until i randomly decided i wanted to treat it with the good o'l Duct Tape remedy. while looking up the effectiveness of duct tape on a wart on the nail i came across a website that said Sublingual warts have the potential of turning into "subungual squamous cell carcinoma." immediately I freaked out and started googling like crazy only to fuel my anxiety that much more.

what are the chances that a subungual wart will turn into cancer? i read online that it is rare and typically happens at around age 50+ ( I'm only 25) but aside from that there really isn't very much information on it. everything else on this website only covers nail melanoma which i find odd since Squamous cell carcinoma of the nail bed is more common than melanoma.

I had a squamous cell carcinoma removed from the top of my shoulder (near the neck) and it was all removed with the skin sample, they're fine so long as you get them removed before they get too large.

Also I agree with the last poster, if you're concerned see your Dr.

28-01-19, 09:39
I had the same,had it removed then got a call back as the Quack didn’t get it all,got the all clear :yesyes: