View Full Version : Head Cold & Night Sweats

28-01-19, 22:29
The past few night's I've woken with night sweats. My waist down to my feet will be all wet and sweaty and Im damp but not soaked. I have been fighting a minor but annoying head cold and sore throat but have not had a fever.
I'm also on day one of my monthly cycle but get that each month without sweats.
Hmmmmm.... think rational.....

28-01-19, 22:52
I've had mild night sweats like you describe with a cold every now and then. I usually assume that my temperature is just ever so slightly elevated while I'm sleeping and fighting off the virus. Our temperatures are usually highest at night and lowest in the morning so, my totally non-scientific theory is that the night sweats happen with a tiny temp spike and then drop over night.

I bet your period could also contribute just because hormones can affect temperature/sweating, etc... so that combined with the cold is just overtaxing your body more than usual.