View Full Version : Worried about stomach/back?

28-01-19, 23:13
I’m a 24 year old male. Starting 2 years ago I started getting bad acid indigestion and loss of appetite. The loss of appetite would last 2-3 weeks and then it would go away and my hunger would come back. I would feel normal for 2-4 months and then my loss of appetite would come back again for a couple weeks and then things would subside. When I lose my appetite I feel bloated and discomfort in my abdomen. I don’t have any pain after I eat, just the feeling of always being full of bloated.

It flared up 2 months ago and my appetite has pretty much been gone since then. Once every couple days I’ll feel a little hungry but rarely. I currently feel bloated and tightness in my upper left abdomen. Also I have back pain, opposite of where the stomach sits, that shoots into my shoulder blade and my hip sometimes.

Last week I went to my doctor to talk about the loss of appetite and he did a blood count and organ blood test and ordered me to do an x Ray. He had no concern since I have no pain after eating, no weight loss, fever, fatigue or night sweats. I ended up skipping the X-ray after I got my blood test back and everything came back normal. I’m regular and my stool color is normal. But my loss of appetite is still here. I feel constantly bloated. Sometimes it feels like my stomach isn’t producing enough acid?

Should I go back to the doctor? Should I be concerned about cancer? Could a back injury cause loss of appetite? Could this be the early stages of cancer?

29-01-19, 02:02
This sounds like acid reflux to me. When my reflux acts up I have all of these symptoms. Have you tried antacids? I wouldn't think something like cancer since the symptoms come and go with such big gaps in between. If you had some type of stomach or intestinal cancer that started 2 years ago you'd probably be severely ill or dead by now.

I would look into reflux issues and maybe even try a daily probiotic. According to the internet there's no proof this helps with reflux, but I had been taking one for about 5 months. I ran out like 3 weeks ago and still haven't picked up a not pack because they're so pricey and I was tight this month. I hadn't had any issues with acid reflux the whole time I was on them, and then within days of stopping I started having heartburn, sour stomach, etc... It could be coincidence, but I do think they helped to balance me out.

---------- Post added 29-01-19 at 00:02 ---------- Previous post was 28-01-19 at 23:59 ----------

If not reflux maybe gastritis, which is just irritation of the stomach lining. Try to stick with low acid foods, no coffee, etc... and see if that helps. Anxiety also makes these issues worse for me, btw.

If you're really uncomfortable and your doctor didn't explore these possibilities with you it wouldn't hurt to call and ask what he thinks.

Definitely doesn't sound serious, but you also don't want to be uncomfortable.

29-01-19, 08:28
Hi Ryan

You got a lot of good responses on your previous thread dealing with this subject but you have deleted it so others cannot see what has already been said.

Perhaps look at un deleting that thread, or ask one of the admins to do it for you.


30-01-19, 07:15
I tried taking H2 blockers (Zantac) 2 weeks ago and didn’t get much results from it. I don’t think I have reflux because it’s not like I’m burping up acid or have no heart burn. It’s like a dull bloating sensation in my stomach and I literally feel bloated all day and have had zero appetite for almost 2 months now. The 2 months of nearly no appetite is what really scares me. I have no other symptoms than no appetie. Can gastritis or inflammation of the stomach lining cause no other symptoms but loss of appetite?

30-01-19, 07:31
Zantac didn’t help me, you could try nexium (omeprazole).
There was nothing wrong with my blood tests either but I did have gastritis.

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30-01-19, 10:00
What did your gastritis feel like? I don’t have any pain after eating. My only symptom is zero appetite all day and bloating. Can it be gastritis even if I have no pain?

30-01-19, 10:10
Hi Ryan

You got a lot of good responses on your previous thread dealing with this subject but you have deleted it so others cannot see what has already been said.

Perhaps look at un deleting that thread, or ask one of the admins to do it for you.

