View Full Version : Panicking about raised area on right masseter muscle

30-01-19, 08:33
So stupidly I started feeling around my face a couple of weeks ago when I experienced some jaw pain and ended up finding a raised area on one side of my face. I went to the doctors and he said my face felt symmetrical, however, I'm completely sure it isn't. It is under my skin and needs to be pushed on to be felt. You can't see it poking out my cheek. I have noticed that it is on the side that I mostly chew with. I also experience quite bad bruxism (teeth grinding) when I sleep. Has anyone here got anything similar?

It sits slightly above my masseter muscle and points from the bottom of my jaw to my eye. It also disappears into the muscle when I clench my teeth.

30-01-19, 08:40
Okay, here's a few things you need to know.

1) Your GP has had years of training in what is and isn't worth worrying over.
2) Your GP doesn't have health anxiety, and the associated hypervigilance and faulty thinking patterns.
3) Nobody's face is completely symmetrical, and neither is anybody's body.

I promise, you're going to be okay.