View Full Version : fear of losing mind

Green Bee
30-01-19, 14:57
hy all!
ive had anxiety for 10 years now, coming and going in cycles, ive had periods of almost no problems, and in other times feeling like is this gonna last forever feeling. it started with panic attack and ending on emergency room, at that time i didnt know what it was so i was confused, after googling a lot i knew more or less what it was. in the begining it was just rapid hearth biting and questioning why is this happening. what caused me problem than and still lingers on is that one time a thought poped up what if my friend im talking to isnt real, i had a panic attack immediatly, am i losing mind, why did i think that..... later on ive read a lot about shizo etc... so when im in this state of anxiety i fear unnormal thoughts, and normaly thats the ones that comes to my mind. for example i fear of becoming paranoid, like what if i start to believe tv is talking to me, i know its just a thought, butwhat i worry is what if a thought becomes a reality and i really do believe that and have no more control about knowing what is real and what is not.. ive had also harm ocd, thought of kissing a friend.. so basicly im worried that my thoughts dont become voices. sometimes thought pop up in a way, that i imagine voices would, like somebody will poison my food or whatever.. i know its a thought, but what if it becomes a belief. i woory my life as a normal person would end than. so thats what keeps my fears going..
ive also had dp&dr moments.. and i can be ok with almost everything and function normaly, except for the fear of losing mind. no matter how much i try its always there.. sometimes couple of times a month, and in bad mood days, almost all day long.. i will start working again so it will be easier, its hard when i dont have much things to do.. i dont drink any medication, i will go to psychiatrist soon so maybe will drink ad or something, but my goal is to be medication free..
what do you do, say to yourself to reassure yourself your not losing your mind.. sorry for bad english, he he
