View Full Version : Boyfriend headache so worried

30-01-19, 23:34
Hey guys, I知 panicking because my boyfriend said he has a strong headache for a few days now, it痴 not constant it comes and goes, about once or twice a day and only for a few seconds... I知 so worried especially because he said his nose bled once today during the day... I知 going to try to convince him to go check his blood pressure tomorrow, I知 really worried this could be an aneurysm or something really serious... please someone help me I知 panicking really hard

30-01-19, 23:37
I really don't think it is anything that serious to be honest.

Probably a tension headache or something.

Get him to drink more water.

31-01-19, 02:27
Sounds kind of like an ice pick headache - which sound horrific, but it just like any other headache, usually not explainable and not serious. My mom was getting them for months. She also has health anxiety and ended up getting tons of tests including an MRI and they found nothing. Then they just stopped. Stress can be a trigger.