View Full Version : Has anyone had a tonsil grow back?

31-01-19, 15:23
I went to see a doctor a couple weeks ago with a sore throat and swollen glands (thought I might need some antibiotics). The worst of it was actually over by the time I went to see the doctor but decided to go anyway.

He asked if my right tonsil had always been bigger than my left. I told him I had my tonsils removed when I was a child. He looked again and said he was going to refer me to an ENT specialist to make sure there was nothing “sinister” going on (not what someone with health anxiety wants to hear)

I went to see my normal doctor the next day because I was feeling very anxious about being referred and wanted a second opinion from someone who understands my history of health anxiety. My normal doctor said that he thinks it is normal tonsil tissue growing back on one side. He said he wouldn’t have referred me to the ENT. But that he wouldn’t cancel the appointment so that I wouldn’t continue to worry about why the other doctor referred me. The appointment is in two weeks.

So, has anyone else experienced this? I’m still feeling worried, especially since I’ve been getting intermittent pain in my neck, at the front in between my collar bones since I had that sore throat

31-01-19, 18:12
This sounded so strange that I had to Google it, and apparently it's a real thing. If the surgeon who removed your tonsils missed even a small bit of tonsil tissue they can actually regenerate! Nothing sinister about it!

31-01-19, 18:20
Mad that is good news but crazy the human body

01-02-19, 01:16
Yes, my nephew had his tonsils out as a child and they grew back again in his late teens he had them removed again!

01-02-19, 13:59
It is strange isn’t it?

Unfortunately throat cancer was a worry for me all last year, and this referral just feels like pouring gasoline on the flame. I’ve been feeling every little pain and ache in my throat and neck and just have that constant background noise in my head that is asking all the what if questions. It seems to me that I have a gland swollen under my jaw line/neck on the same side that the tonsil has grown back, I noticed that last year and was worried about it then too

03-02-19, 18:25
I’m feeling so anxious. I feel a lot of pain in my neck on the right hand side. My mind just keeps going to cancer

04-02-19, 04:23
Maybe the throat is just irritated from cool/dry air??? I’ve had a nice scratchiness on and off for the last couple of weeks.

04-02-19, 15:22
My throat actually feels fine. It’s more pain in the side of my neck. I can’t tell if it’s muscular or something bad. I also have pain in that right ear.

05-02-19, 13:56
After looking up the structures of the neck and realising that the pain is where my thyroid gland is, I’m beginning to really worry