View Full Version : Coughing up mucus with little specks of blood?

01-02-19, 04:12
Hi guys. I’m really scared right now. I was brushing my teeth yesterday and when I spit there was a bit of blood. Okay, so it just must have been from brushing, I thought. However, it happened this morning and throughout the day I have been obsessively spitting and I can see little specks of blood in it. It’s not really from my spit, it’s like my throat has mucus in the way back. My throat feels kind of irritated now and I have little red dots in the back of my throat like I get when I have a cold. But I don’t have a cold. Has anyone else had this???:weep:

01-02-19, 14:25
You don't have to have a cold to have throat and sinus irritation. Even simple coughing from swallowing something wrong can lead to irritation, and irritation can cause bleeding. Cold weather? Irritation.

I have to use a CPAP, and am constantly dealing with post-nasal drip, which means i have plenty of extra fluids. If i get a case of dry mouth or just too much gunk, the irritation and blood can happen easily.

Seriously, dont sweat it.

02-02-19, 11:34
Shadowhawk hit the nail on the head.

They only worry if you're coughing up *blood*. That's not little specks, but actual blood.

I know this because what made me stop smoking was I was coughing up mucus with specks of blood in it. That was 4 years ago and I'm still here!

You're fine, good luck