View Full Version : Everything’s a mess.

01-02-19, 09:27
Hey everyone, gone very much downhill again. More of the same really but it’s all moved around my body, as it does. So let me break down the last few weeks:

- as per my last thread, I was worried about MS but this seems to have calmed down, thankfully. still got pains in my leg at times but trying to ignore it.

- the doctors want me to change my medication from citalopram to fluoexitine so I am slowly weaning off these. been going from 40mg to 30mg everyday for 2 weeks. I think the way I am feeling has a lot to do with this, I feel shakey and sad, my heart is racing and I just don’t feel ‘right’

- in December I had an ultrasound because of pains in my ovaries, thought it was just a cyst but was told the other day that my right ovary is slightly polycystic, although they just didn’t say much else they just sent me off for some bloods. I’m still waiting for those. But I’m feeling very sad about this, worried and scared. My body hurts everywhere I am tense from my head to my toes, I feel dreadful.

I just feel like my body is breaking down on me and that’s it, this is me forever. I feel awful and scared every single day. I don’t want this anymore. I want me back. I miss her. I try my best to be positive but it doesn’t work because there is always something.

Right now I’m sitting at work and my heart is beating just that little bit too fast, my head hurts and I feel sick. Anxiety or something more? I don’t know anymore.

I just need some people to talk to.

01-02-19, 09:30
Hey Shannon,

That sounds really rough. Chances are a lot of what you're feeling has to do with tapering your meds, though.

Feel free to shoot me a PM if you want to talk.

01-02-19, 09:40
Hey Shannon,

That sounds really rough. Chances are a lot of what you're feeling has to do with tapering your meds, though.

Feel free to shoot me a PM if you want to talk.

Yeah I think so too, I’d like to think so anyway. I don’t want to think it’s anythin more sinister but right now my head is going straight to anything awful.

But thank you very much

01-02-19, 09:45
Sounds like anxiety to me, but I know how awful it is trying to hold things together at work. Sending good thoughts your way.

01-02-19, 09:47
Sounds like anxiety to me, but I know how awful it is trying to hold things together at work. Sending good thoughts your way.

I’m only in the 2nd week of my new job as well so there’s just been so much going on lately, just a total mess hahahaha. But thank you I really appreciate you replying!

01-02-19, 11:10
Hey Shannon,

I'm so sorry everything seems really terrible at the moment. I completely understand. I'm in the middle of a health anxiety scare too and it does just leave you feeling broken and tired. It can be very hard to tell what is anxiety and what is something actually physically wrong.

We can do this, and hopefully we'll be looking back at these threads in a few weeks or months and think how far we have come.

04-02-19, 16:38
Hey Shannon,

I'm so sorry everything seems really terrible at the moment. I completely understand. I'm in the middle of a health anxiety scare too and it does just leave you feeling broken and tired. It can be very hard to tell what is anxiety and what is something actually physically wrong.

We can do this, and hopefully we'll be looking back at these threads in a few weeks or months and think how far we have come.

I hope you are feeling better :bighug1:

---------- Post added at 16:38 ---------- Previous post was at 16:36 ----------

Still feeling pretty dreadful, after a long while of not thinking of ovarian cancer with the results from my ultrasound I am very much focusing on this again. I have the following

- stomach acid feeling/heartburn
- obviously the intermittent pain in my ovary
- bloated
- up and down with my bowels

I am just fed up and scared of feeling this way

04-02-19, 20:38
Hi Shannon just wanted to let you know you are not alone in this

I finally went to the doctors and confessed my problems I have been given citarolapam too but I’m too scared to use it - had a panic attack in work today and fear I may have to! I hope you feel better soon x

04-02-19, 21:01
Hi Shannon just wanted to let you know you are not alone in this

I finally went to the doctors and confessed my problems I have been given citarolapam too but I’m too scared to use it - had a panic attack in work today and fear I may have to! I hope you feel better soon x

Oh bless you :( I’m sorry to hear that. But I would give the citalopram a try. When I first started it, it was 2014 and honestly it changed my life at the time. Rough for a few weeks but god I was in the best place when I started.

Me coming off it now to go onto another isn’t to say it wasn’t good, just from the doctors recommendations we’re going to try something new.

But give it a few days and know that nothing bad will happen when you take it and there’s lots of people here to talk to if you’re worried about it! xx