View Full Version : Regression

01-02-19, 10:53

I not posted for a while but since new year I been regressing back to health worries

My main one just now is my son . He is 11 and started to get a stiff clicky pinky in the morning that then pops straight eventually . I took him to gp early jan and he said it was a tendon loose around knuckle and it would strengthen as he got older . Now today the ring finger is doing same

I am terrified he has juvenile arthritis and gone into a major worry

I was pretty good last year and reduced my anti depressants to 10mg since sept and finished counselling in Feb

It not just my son I also been worrying over other health things and had 2 triggers over family health too . Aunt with terminal cancer and my brother in law got guillan barre syndrome on new year eve. He recovering well

I not sure what to do . Do you think I over reacting ? I just crying all day


01-02-19, 18:10
It's normal to worry about our loved ones, especially our kids. But, crying all day is definitely overreacting. (Though I don't love that term - you're reacting because you have anxiety.)

While I have health anxiety, I do not have it in relation to anyone else (my daughter included), so I feel like I can be rational regarding your son. I think it's reasonable to bring him back to the doctor to have it checked out. I gave it a google for you, so you don't have to (!!) and it kind of sounds like trigger finger vs. arthritis (which I think is just stiffness, not the popping you mentioned. Trigger finger says the finger (thumb, pinky, or ring) gets stuck in a bent position (often in the morning) and then pops back into place. Like your doctor said, it is just an issue with the tendon. But, it sounds like there are some conservative treatment options like splinting to help resolve it.

You could bring him in and mention that idea (trigger finger) to see if the doctor agrees. It did say it sometimes resolves on its own (like the doctor said), but since it moved to another finger it would make sense to me to mention it in case he wants to change his approach.

I would NOT be worried about this as it's not chronic or dangerous at all.

01-02-19, 19:21
Thank you very much for replying .
That’s sounds like it but I worried as it seems to be moving along to next one so that what worrying me .

Yes I know it over reacting . I have health anxiety both with me and children and husband , mum dad etc even the cat :wacko:

I emailed the counsellor I saw last year but not had a reply back .

I can feel the anxieties creeping back whereas last year I was much better , not perfect my any means but i could deal with it . I started yoga , and also started befriending in my area .

Thanks for taking your time to reply . It means more than you know
