View Full Version : Flu help

02-02-19, 03:48
My trigger is influenza. I'm scared I have it right now. No fever, but I had horrible stomach cramping last night with a lot of diarrhea -- and now my body aches a little and I have a very minor sore throat and just kind of out of it. My eyes are stinging like I have a fever even though I don't, and I have a headache.

I'm scared.

02-02-19, 03:57
The flu has always been a trigger for me, too, and last year was a nightmare. But, it's much more mild this year, even more so if you've had the shot. Even if you get it, you'll be alright. But, it sounds more like you're just getting a cold. Flu usually comes on very fast and starts in the chest.

---------- Post added at 01:57 ---------- Previous post was at 01:52 ----------

I just read that the vaccine is extremely effective this year because it's covering both the dominant strains. You can tell because the media isn't going crazy with all the doom and gloom mania they did last year!

02-02-19, 04:51
Thanks for your kind words. I did get a flu shot.

I haven't let myself Google anything about the flu but have assumed it's likely effective since I haven't seen terrifying alarmist articles on my news feed. I'm kind of wondering if I have the flu right now and the vaccine I got is fighting it off.

02-02-19, 05:25
I hadn't read much this year either. I was so obsessed last year, it consumed me! But, I googled after your post and saw something from last week about how good the vaccine is this year. I've also heard tons of stories in this moms group I'm in about how mild their case (and their kids) were because they had the shot. Many moms said their kids were only out of school for 2 or 3 days, like a cold.

So, even if you were exposed and are now fighting it off, it shouldn't be anything to worry about! And, I'll add - I had the swine flu in 2009 (the dominant strain this year) and I made it through! And I hadn't gotten a shot that year.

02-02-19, 09:29
Hi Jules,

I can empathise with this! I go the flu for the first time over Christmas and it was horrible! utterly horrible :( I wouldn't wish it on anyone! I think because I didn't get my flu vaccination this year *doh* why? well because I've convinced myself I'll die if I take it! Just cannot win eh?

The plus side is; If it is worst case scenario for you and you do have the flu, you've had your injection, so it will be a very mild form and you WILL be ok! Be sure and keep your fluids up and get plenty of rest! Also, given your stomach is upset (this could be the anxiety doing that), try and eat things that wont upset it further, like scrambled egg/pasta. Not necessarily together, not sure that sounds too awesome to eat :S

Hope you feel better soon!

03-02-19, 04:35
I just wanted to circle back to say thank you to both of you for helping ground me out of my spiral. It really helped me last night. I'm happy to say that I'm starting to feel better this evening. I do wonder if my body is fighting off the flu (glad the vaccine is a better match this year).

I also think my level of stress and emotional exhaustion is at play for why I got sick. There is a lot going on in my life that has me very sad and very tired - so having you both reach out with a hand when I needed it felt very kind and much appreciated. Thanks again.

03-02-19, 14:56
Hi Jules,

I'm glad you're feeling a bit better about things :) That is what makes this site so awesome, you have the ability to reach out and you will always find someone who can empathise, or be like "me too!", and something so simple can do wonders for our peace of mind!

I hope you're now on the mend and getting plenty of rest. Get cosied up with some warm fluids, pain killers and a good show to binge watch on Netflix. That sounds like bliss, I may do this myself. Minus the pain killers of course :)