View Full Version : Concerned about the cramps in my lower abdomen and what it could be. Advice?

02-02-19, 08:57
I remember when i started getting digestive issues years ago I was told I probably had a form of IBS. I just assumed my constipation issues were due to IBS and being a naturally anxious person.

However, the last couple weeks I have been very anxious and stressed. My digestive system has almost shut down. I go many days without a bowel movement unless I use a laxative to help. I have never been regular (every day) but recently it feels that despite eating more healthy, my bowels still don't react.

Before the last couple weeks my diet had been reasonably poor tbh. I would eat fairly healthy once a day, then the next day eat a pastry, couple bags of crisps, some chocolate etc.

I am wondering whether my digestive system and IBS have reacted badly to something, such as chocolate etc.

I also worry that it could be something sinister. I am getting a lot of gas and also the last 3/4 days I've been experiencing indigestion.

I went to the doctor yesterday and was prescribed some asphagula husk and some omeprazole. I don't know if these will help, but I'm paranoid about the omeprazole because I've heard a couple horror stories or that it doesn't work.

I haven't been given any tests such as fecal sample, CT scan, scan on stomach/abdomen etc. Should I return to doctor and demand tests?

I don't know, I'm just a bit worried at the moment. Some days it feels a little better than others, but I'm still paranoid about something serious.

02-02-19, 09:21
Hi Dynamito,

Everything you have described I get too! I honestly could have written this post myself.

I have spent years having 'stomach problems'. The constipation, indigestion and heartburn are all killers! and it causes my anxiety to go through the roof. I have been on many different kinds of laxatives over the years and indigestion medication, this was until recently.

In a bid to find a way to help myself once and for all I found a blog about boiled water. Say what now? Like seriously, boiled water has been my saviour! So every morning I forego the tea/coffee and I have a cup of boiled water, and I drink this as hot as I can stand. Not hot enough to make my tongue feel like a carpet! This helps settle the excess tummy acid (goodbye indigestion and heartburn!) but it also help with digestion. Do this morning and last thing at night before bed. Also drink a cup of hot water with every meal. Drinking cold water, particularly if you eat a high fat meal (maybe a curry or something?) it causes the fats to be more difficult to process, where as the warmth from the water helps them to pass and be processed more easily!

Then there is Activia creamy yogurts! I have a pot of that every evening, around 7pm. It's given enough time for my dinner to settle and I leave enough time after this to have my boiled water before bed on an empty stomach!

Also, I'm eating more high fibre foods and an apple at breakfast every day! Apples also help with digestions.

None of this is a magic wand, and it will take a couple of days to really help things settle down, but definitely worth a shot! I promise what you're experiencing is just related to your anxiety, and what I've suggested has 100% helped me :)