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View Full Version : Brain tumour fear.. Not sure what else it could be

02-02-19, 10:23
Hi everyone.

I have been having AWFUL headaches (over right eyebrow) , daily, for about 3 weeks now. Initially i rationalised it as sinusitis, but the pharmacist gave me sudafed and that did not help. I went to GP and he px antibiotics in case it was a bacterial infection of the sinus. This has not helped. I'm going back to GP next week but stupidly decided to Google the specifics of brain tumour associated head aches, ya know- so I could prove to myself that there would be no similarities.

What a mistake--every characteristic pointed out as being a head ache related to a brain tumour, I have with these head aches. Persistent, same time every day but gradually reduce through out the day, worse when bending, coughing exerting. Throbbing and severe. I've even been having muscle twitches for weeks which I'd put down to anxiety.

Now I'm really in a state. I started needing glasses last year for the first time aswell and experience episodic blurred vision. It doesn't look good does it.

02-02-19, 10:24
More likely a migraine.

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02-02-19, 11:11
When I get tension headaches I have exactly those same symptoms....

02-02-19, 11:16
Thank you both. The pain is so bad I just want to crawl into bed but no chance with a toddler lol.

02-02-19, 11:27
That is really tough. I know I can get those type of headaches for days and painkillers don't do much unfortunately. A friend of mine swears by exceedrine tablets (a combination of aspirin and paracetamol and caffeine I think). Might be worth a try. Its very hard to feel lousy when you are looking after young ones....take care of yourself.

02-02-19, 15:24
It’s called a cough headache I’ve ad it for weeks it makes me upset think my whole body is week as my arms and legs are and my legs are tired and achy can’t hardly walk

03-02-19, 03:26
I second Excedrin. It's the only thing that works when I have a migraine.

Also, ask your doctor about TMJ. I'd been getting migraines several times a month and could not figure out what was triggering them. Finally we realized it was TMJ. I had been clenching my jaw and grinding my teeth and it was giving me migraines, neck and shoulder pain, jaw pain, tooth pain (so bad I thought I needed a root canal - it was actually my dentist who brought up TMJ when I went for the pain), and dizziness.

I didn't develop any of this until right after my daughter was born.

04-02-19, 12:20
My mom has a brain tumor her symptoms were severe headaches so bad they would make her throw up and get weak and shaky, a bulging throbbing vein on the side of her head, she has had it for 10 years now.