View Full Version : Why do more women than men get anxiety?

02-02-19, 19:42
I read somewhere that women suffer from GAD more than men, but is this true? If so, why? The only reason I can think of is due to hormonal imbalances. I was surprised to hear this as I am a guy with anxiety, so was thinking I am weird lol. :blush:

02-02-19, 19:45
You are definitely not weird! In fact I would hesitate to guess that there are a lot more men that suffer with GAD but are never diagnosed due to them not wanting to go to the doctors with emotional subjects such as these.

Positive vibes,


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02-02-19, 20:03
I think three reasons:

- hormone fluctuation is greater in women (I think)
- men probably vastly underreport. It's in our nature to think nothing's wrong, or if there is, to not seek help and fix it on our own. (I think this is starting to change, especially seeing a few athletes are now starting to be vocal and set the example)
- men are more likely to mask anxiety with addictions to drugs, alcohol, etc.

Fwiw I'm a guy.

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02-02-19, 22:03
Don't believe what you read.

02-02-19, 23:43
Men don't open up as much and talk about it so I would say the stats are skewed.

03-02-19, 07:41
Men don't open up as much and talk about it so I would say the stats are skewed.

I'm a bloke too

03-02-19, 12:15
My friend helped set up this, trying to help men speak out using the medium of football ... https://www.mindkicks.co.uk/

04-02-19, 18:57
I totally agree with the opinions expressed. Men just don't open up as easily as women, at least not to other men, to women I think they do. Though hopefully times are changing and that's a great link Venus.

Having been a brickie, I remember returning to work after a long lay off due to a breakdown. My brothers had told everyone I'd gone on a working holiday to America rather than admit the terrible truth.