View Full Version : Increasing my dose today - nervous

04-02-19, 07:38
Okay, so, I know this is probably stupid, but... anxiety, right?

I've been taking 10mg citalopram since November for anxiety and depression. It's been a gamechanger for me - I've started living my life and being so much more productive than I ever was before. Basically, I love the stuff, but it hasn't quite helped with my panic attacks and compulsions the way I'd hoped it might. As such, and because I'm on a very low dose now, I've spoken to my GP and decided to go up to 20mg.

I tolerated the tablets really well when I started - had a couple of weeks of nausea and some ongoing fatigue that might just be the result of not being wired all the time. Still, I'm a bit afraid that the side effects might be more drastic, or that I won't be able to manage them this time - the usual anxiety stuff.

Anybody else got any experiences/words of encouragement?

04-02-19, 09:32
Hi, your body is used to the drug so upping it by another 10 mgs shouldn't cause too many issues for you at all...20 mgs is still a low dose.

04-02-19, 09:34
Thanks! I know I'm probably worrying about nothing.

...Okay, maybe not worrying about nothing. I forgot that when I first started taking them I got slightly high. This has happened again, except that I have somebody booked in for a training session in 20 minutes and I have no idea in the world how I'm going to muddle through without making an idiot of myself. I'll probably just admit to her and ask her to be patient with me.

07-02-19, 20:43
Hi there, I have loads of experience on and off citalopram and other SSRIs. It works differently with various metabolisms and brain chemistry, for example my brother thrives on 20mg daily, but for me even 10mg daily leads to uncomfortable feelings that can be overwhelming, so I find myself in a constant limbo between coming off completely and experiencing discomfort then realising I should go back on them or just staying with a minimal dose, 5mg daily, (which may well be useless). the truth is for me, I'm not sure if they are dong me more harm than good. It seems however that you, like my brother are feeling consistently better for taking it and as another member suggested, in that case, the jump from 10mg to 20mg, shouldn't cuase too much distress. I would suggest, simply listening to your mind and body, communicating that to your GP and agree to do what feels most appropriate, as seeing your GP should be a two way thing. They may be well meaning, but do not know how SSRIs and other drugs act on any one individual. I fear I have left you with more questions than answers, but I do mean well and wish you continued relief and good health.

07-02-19, 21:31
Good luck with this Iris- it’s certainly the right thing to do. SSRI’s have been a game changer for me too...

08-02-19, 04:34
Four days in, and I'm basically okay. Had a milder version of the side effects I had when starting - fatigue and some minor stomach issues.

As before, the first couple of days I felt wretchedly drunk/stoned. Luckily, my boss for the first half of the week is really understanding - he let me take a half-day on Tuesday and insisted I didn't waste annual leave on it!

Last night's chilli gave me a nasty stomach ache, but again, when I started with 10mg I couldn't tolerate my normal levels of spice for a few weeks (I eat a lot of highly-spiced food and normally have no problems).

Looking forward to a quiet weekend at home, but things could be a while lot worse.